Conventions Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Information that describes important features or
Caution Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device
Warning Information that alerts you to potential equipment
damage or personal injury.
Table 2 Text Conventions
Convention Description
Monospace text Sets off command syntax or sample commands and system
Bold text Highlights commands that you enter or items you select.
Italic text Designates command variables that you replace with
appropriate values, or highlights publication titles or words
requiring special emphasis.
[ ] (square brackets) Enclose optional parameters in command syntax.
{ } (curly brackets) Enclose mandatory parameters in command syntax.
| (vertical bar) Separates mutually exclusive options in command syntax.
Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key
names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
Words in italics Italics are used to:
Emphasize a point.
Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the
Highlight an example string, such as a username or SSID.