Configure Voice over Wireless IP Service 89
7 Leave SpectraLink selected in the Vendor drop-down list.
8 Click Next. Select Open Access and deselect MAC Access.
9 Click Next. Select WPA and deselect Static WEP.
10 Click Next. Leave TKIP enabled and click Next.
11 Click Next. Type a passphrase from 8 to 63 characters long in the
Pre-shared Key box and click Generate.
12 Click Next. Type or select the name of the VLAN you want to place SVP
users in. For this example, use voice-vlan.
Typing the VLAN name here does not actually configure the VLAN. To
configure a VLAN, see “Set Up VLANs on WX Switches” on page 64.
13 Click Next.
14 Click Next. The wizard displays the ACL that will automatically be added
to the configuration by the wizard. The first rule in the ACL provides high
-priority treatment of SVP traffic by marking IP protocol 119 (SVP) packets
with CoS 7. The second rule permits all other traffic in the VLAN.
15 Click Next. Select RadioProfileVoic in the Radio Profiles list.
16 Click Finish.