Configure Voice over Wireless IP Service 83
Step Summary The following list summarizes the fields selected or configuration items
entered in the example that follows to configure VoWIP access:
1 Create a radio profile.
From the Radio Profile wizard, enter RadioProfileVoic as the Name of
the radio profile.
Click Finish.
Select the radio profile and click Properties.
Select the 802.11 Attributes and change the DTIM Period to 3.
Click OK.
2 Create a Voice service profile.
From the Voice Service Profile wizard, click Next and enter
Voice-WMM, Voice-SVP, Voice-Avaya, or Voice-Vocera
as the Name
of the service profile and WMM, SVP, Avaya, or Vocera as the SSID.
Select the Vendor (SpectraLink, Avaya, Vocera, or Other).
Click Next. Select the access type. (The examples in this section use
Open Access.)
Click Next. Select the data encryption method. (The examples in this
section use WPA and disable Static WEP.)
Click Next. Leave TKIP enabled and click Next.
Click Next. Type a passphrase from 8 to 63 characters long in the
Pre-shared Key box and click Generate.
Click Next. Type voice-vlan as the VLAN name to place voice users in.
Click Next. (If the device supports WMM, select WMM.)
Click Next. Select RadioProfileVoic in the Radio Profiles list.
Click Finish.
3 Set up a VLAN on the WX switches.
From the Create VLAN wizard, enter voice-vlan as the VLAN name.
Click Next. Select the VLAN ports. Click Move to use them exclusively
in this VLAN.
Click Finish.
Select the VLAN and click Properties.
Select IGMP and deselect Enabled to disable IGMP snooping.