such as traditional computer communications applications. The
UBR service may be considered as "best effort service".
■ VBR (variable bit rate): QoS class defined by the ATM Forum for
ATM networks. VBR is subdivided into a real time (RT) class and
non-real time (NRT) class. VBR (RT) is used for connections in which
there is a fixed timing relationship between samples. VBR (NRT) is
used for connections in which there is no fixed timing relationship
between samples, but that still need a guaranteed QoS. Compare
with ABR, CBR, and UBR.
5 Enter the PCR/SCR/MBS values.
6 Click Apply.
Routing Mode over ATM (RFC 1483 Routed Mode)
This mode is commonly used with either dynamic or static IP addressing.
In this mode the WAN ADSL port will be configured with an IP address
provided by the ISP. To configure this page correctly, you should obtain
the information on this page from your ISP.
Figure 41 Routing Mode over ATM Screen
After clicking Edit on the ATM PVC page, the ATM Interface page
1 Select Routing Mode over ATM from the Protocol drop-down menu.
2 Enter the IP address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway information
provided by your ISP into the IP address, Subnet Mask and ISP Default
Gateway fields.
3 Enter the VPI and VCI parameters provided to you by your ISP in the VPI
and VCI fields.