The Software Update menu enables users to upgrade the V7122 gateway software by
loading a new cmp file along with the ini and a suite of auxiliary files, or to update the existing
auxiliary files.
The Software Update menu comprises two submenus:
Software Upgrade Wizard (see
Software Upgrade Wizard).
Load Auxiliary Files (see
Updating the Auxiliary Files).
When upgrading the V7122 gateway software you must load the new cmp file with all
other related configuration files.
Software Upgrade Wizard
The Software Upgrade Wizard guides you through the process of software upgrade --
selecting files and then loading them to the gateway. The wizard also enables you to
upgrade software (cmp file) while maintaining the existing configuration. Using the wizard
obligates you to load a cmp file. You can also choose to use the wizard to load the ini and
auxiliary files (for example, Call Progress Tones), but this option cannot be pursued without
loading the cmp file. For the ini and each auxiliary file type, you can choose to reload an
existing file, load a new file or not load a file at all.
The Software Upgrade Wizard requires the V7122 gateway to be reset at the end of
the process, disrupting any of its traffic. To avoid disruption, disable all traffic on the
device before initiating the wizard, using the Graceful Option (see the V7122 Digital
Gateway User Guide).
V7122 Digital Gateway Installation Guide