Dual T1/PRI Status Displays
Line Interface Unit 1/2
The power-up code verifies whether or not the NIC is present and
then configures the CSU on the NIC to local loopback mode.
The failure level for this test is Non-critical.
Flash ROM 12v Test
This self-test checks and verifies that the 12v circuitry to the Flash
ROM functions properly. The failure level for this test is Non-critical.
HDLC Channel 1/2
The code checks the HDLC controller channels 1 and 2. The HDL
controller is used for D-channel signaling. The failure level for this
test is Non-Critical.
Menu Option 2 Checking the T1/PRI’s overall status
This status screen provides status information for:
Current PRI timing source
Current packet bus timing source
What type of NIC is installed behind the NAC
What chassis slot the NAC is installed in
How much time elapsed since the NAC was last reset
How much DRAM is installed on the NAC
How much Flash ROM is installed on the NAC
Menu Option 3 Checking chassis slot device configurations
Status menu option 3 allows you to verify if you configured the chassis
slot assignments correctly in option 5 of the card configuration menu.
The slot # column represents the chassis slot numbers, 1–16.
The device type column indicates the type of NAC installed and assigned
in the corresponding chassis slot. It displays one of these:
No NAC is installed and assigned to that particular slot.