Power forwarding Power forwarding Port number 1 can be used with any standard
networking device as well as to power a device such as a VoIP
telephone on a network that uses IEEE 802.3af-compatible Power
Over Ethernet.
RMON Counters
Total valid frames received with a unicast Destination Address.
A valid frame has a good FCS and its size is greater than 64
bytes and less than 1518 for non tagged frames, 1522 for
tagged frames, or 1535 if MaxFrameSize =1 (set in global
control register).
Total valid frames received with destination address equal to
Total pause frames received.
Total valid frames received with multicast destination address that
are not counted in InBroadcasts or InPause.
InFCSErr Total frames received with a valid length and an invalid FCS.
AlignErr Total frames received with valid length that have an invalid FCS
and a non-integral number of octets.
InGoodOctets Total data octets received in frames with a valid FCS. Undersize
and oversize frames are included. The count includes the FCS
but not the preamble.
InBadOctets Total data octets received in frames with an invalid FCS;
fragments and jabbers are included, The count includes the FCS
but not the preamble.
Undersize Total frames received with a length of less than 64 octets but a
valid FCS.
Fragments Total frames received with a length of less than 64 octets and
an invalid FCS
In64Octets Total frames received with a length of exactly 64 octets,
including those with errors.
In127Octets Total frames received with a length of between 65 and 127
octets inclusive, including those with errors.
In255Octets Total frames received with a length of between 128 and 255
octets inclusive, including those with errors.
In511Octets Total frames received with a length of between 256 and 511
octets inclusive, including those with errors.
In1023Octets Total frames received with a length of between 512 and 1023
octets inclusive, including those with errors.
InMaxOctets Total frames received with a length of between 1024 and
MaxSize octets inclusive, including those with errors.
Jabber Total frames received with a length of more than MaxSize octets
but with an invalid FCS.
Oversize Total frames received with a length of more than MaxSize octets
but with a valid FCS.