
Displaying Hub Status A-13
Hub status also includes POST and fan status, bandwidth utilization,
hardware and firmware version, and MAC address.
The sample hub status display that follows is the result of the changes
made in the previous section. To view the hub status, enter:
When you have finished viewing the hub status, press Enter to continue
the CLI session.
** Hub 1000 Configuration Menu **
[1] Configure port settings
[2] Display hub status
[3] Update firmware image
[4] Change password
[5] Logout
Enter choice -> 2
Hub Status
Port Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
=========== = = = = = = = = =
Port is Enabled: Y Y n Y n n n Y Y
Link state is up: Y Y n Y n n n Y Y
Auto-Negotiate link configuration: n Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n
Advertise outgoing flow control: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Advertise incoming flow control: - - - - - - - - n
Enable outgoing flow control: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Enable incoming flow control: - - - - - - - - n
Port has passed POST: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
POST status: PASS
Fan status: Good
Bandwidth utilization: 0%
Hardware Version: 0
Firmware version: 1.00, 02/05/98
MAC Address: 08004E2BA4D9
Press Enter to continue ...