
Country Telephone Number
U.A.E. 04-3908997
U.K. 0800 096 3266
You can also obtain support in this region using this URL:
You can also obtain non-urgent support in this region at these email addresses:
Technical support and general requests: customer_support@3com.com
Return material authorization: warranty_repair@3com.com
Contract requests: emea_contract@3com.com
Country Telephone Number
Latin America — Telephone Technical Support and Repair
Antigua AT&T +800 988 2112
Antigua Barbuda AT&T +800 988 2112
Argentina AT&T +800 988 2112
Aruba AT&T +800 988 2112
Bahamas AT&T +800 988 2112
Barbados AT&T +800 988 2112
Belize AT&T +800 988 2112
Bermuda AT&T +800 988 2112
Bolivia AT&T +800 988 2112
Brasil 0800-133266 (0800-13-3COM)
Brasil Local +5511 5643 2700
British Virgin Islands AT&T +800 988 2112
Cayman Islands AT&T +800 988 2112
Chile AT&T +800 998 2112
Colombia AT&T +800 998 2112
Columbia Local +571 592 5000
Costa Rica AT&T +800 998 2112
Curaçao AT&T +800 988 2112
Dominican Republic AT&T +800 998 2112
El Salvador AT&T +800 988 2112
Equador AT&T +800 988 2112
French Guyana AT&T +800 988 2112
Grenada AT&T +800 988 2112
Guadalupe AT&T +800 988 2112
Guatemala AT&T +800 998 2112
Guyana AT&T +800 988 2112
Haiti AT&T +800 988 2112
Country Telephone Number
Honduras AT&T +800 998 2112
Jamaica AT&T +800 988 2112
Mexico 1800 849 2273
Mexico Local +52-55-52-01-0004
Monserrat AT&T +800 998 2112
Nicaragua AT&T +800 998 2112
Panama AT&T +800 998 2112
Paraguay AT&T +800 998 2112
Peru AT&T +800 998 2112
Puerto Rico AT&T +800 998 2112
Rest of Latin America 508 323 6234
St. Kitts Nevis AT&T +800 998 2112
St. Lucia AT&T +800 998 2112
St. Vincent AT&T +800 998 2112
Suriname AT&T +800 998 2112
Trinidad and Tobago AT&T +800 998 2112
Turks and Caicos AT&T +800 998 2112
Uruguay - Montevideo AT&T +800 998 2112
Venezuela AT&T +800 998 2112
Virgin Islands AT&T +800 998 2112
You can also obtain support in this region in the following ways:
Spanish speakers, enter the URL:
Portuguese speakers, enter the URL:
English speakers in Latin America should send e-mail to:
Country Telephone Number
US and Canada — Telephone Technical Support and Repair
All locations: All 3Com products: 1 800 876 3266