Placing the ISDN Order Through Your Telephone Company A-2
If the representative has the requested code listed, go to step
7. If the representative does not have the code listed, go to
step 4.
* Having two telephone numbers assigned to an ISDN line allows
both analog ports to be used simultaneously. If only one
telephone number is assigned, the ISDN line can only place or
receive one call at a time.
4 Ask the representative which ISDN switch type your ISDN
line will be using. Place a check mark in the appropriate
box on the supplied ISDN Information Sheet (see
Figure 1-2).
5 Look for the ISDN switch type table in this appendix.
6 Provide the information for your specific switch type to
the telephone company.
7 Ask the ISDN representative to provide the information
you need to fill out the ISDN Information Sheet shown in
Figure 1-2.
This completes the procedure for ordering your ISDN line.
Table A-1 ISDN Order Codes
ISDN Order Code Number of Telephone Numbers
Package K 1
Package U 2