12: C
Enable or disable the filter. (You may want to create a disabled
filter, then enable it when you are satisfied that the filter conditions
are complete.)
Select the protocol for the filter being added. The protocols are:
Basic IP, Advanced IP, Basic IPX, Advanced IPX, Basic Bridge, and
Advanced Bridge.
Pressing the Next button brings up the condition screen for the
selected protocol.
Condition Screens
These screens have a common structure but differ in content. The
common features include the condition number (1-6) of the condition
being created and, for condition numbers 2-6, the selection via radio
buttons for “And”ing and “Or”ing the condition to the previous
For condition number 1, the user is prompted to select the action of
the filter: “Discard Packet” or “Forward Packet”. Also common is the
Next button, which takes you to the Condition Summary screen.
Basic IP Condition has the following condition sentences to select
Table 12–3 Basic IP Condition
Advanced IP Condition has the following condition sentences to select
Table 12–4 Advanced IP Condition
Destination Address
Source Address
Is Equal to
Is Not Equal to
_____IP address
Destination Network
Source Network
Is Equal to
Is Not Equal to
_____IP address
Destination Address
Source Address
Is Equal to
Is Not Equal to
____IP address
Destination Network
Source Network
Is Equal to
Is Not Equal to
_____IP address
Protocol Type Is Equal to
Is Not Equal to
840ug.book Page 8 Friday, July 7, 2000 2:23 PM