3C319 NIC
This chapter describes how to install the TokenLink
Velocity ISA NIC (Part No. 3C319) in an ISA or EISA
PC and how to connect the PC to the network.
Installation Requirements
Installation of the 3C319 NIC requires the following:
■ An ISA- or EISA-bus PC with at least 640 K of RAM
and an 80386, 80486, or Pentium processor.
■ A 16-bit (ISA) or 32-bit (EISA) expansion slot.
■ A high-density 3.5-inch floppy diskette drive.
■ Category 3, 4, or 5 UTP or types 1 or 6 STP cabling.
■ TokenDisk diskettes #1 and #2 containing the
installation program, Configuration and Diagnostic
Program, and drivers.
he Configuration and Diagnostic Program supplied
on TokenDisk diskette #1 is a DOS application. Before
running the Configuration and Diagnostic Program,
perform a clean boot from a DOS diskette or the hard
drive’s DOS option to ensure that no memory managers
or drivers are loaded. The Configuration and Diagnostic
Program will not run in a DOS window.
■ One of the PC and network operating systems
described in the “Other Features” section of
Chapter 1.
■ Sufficient memory to load the 3C319 NIC driver from
the network operating system. Depending on the
LAN operating system, you may need additional free
memory. Refer to your network operating system
(NOS) documentation for exact memory requirements.