3600 Series Programmable Power Supply
VERSION 2.0 2004.6
Fig 4-2 System Prompt the restart
Login in the identity of “Manager” and then select the quick icon after the system restarts. The dialogue
frame as shown in Fig.4-3 will be displayed.
Fig 4-3 COM Port and address set
In Fig. 4-3, select the COM port from the pull-down table. If the COM port does not exit, the system will
prompt the diagram as shown in Fig. 4-4. And click the “OK” button and the page key “ADDRESS” are out of work.
And vice versa. (And users must be in the identity of the “Manager” otherwise the “ADDRESS” cannot be used.
4.2 The COM Port and Lower Machine (Power Supply) Address Set
Fig 4-4 COM Port Failure Opening frame
Set Default POWER Address:
The system will automatically be in the networking state after the start according to the default COM port and
the default POWER. It is just needed to enter the address in the “Default POWER” bar.
Set POWER Address:
Login in the identity of the “Manager” and select the existing COM port. Then the “ADDRESS” page key
will be available.
Fig 4-5 POWER Address Set