
Technical Reference
&Dn Controls Data Terminal Ready (DTR) operations
&D0 DTR override
&D1 DTR toggle causes online Command mode
&D2 Normal DTR operations
&D3 Resets on receipt of DTR
&Fn Loads a read-only (non-programmable) factory configuration
&F0 Generic template
&F1 Hardware flow control template
&F2 Software flow control template
&Gn Sets Guard Tone
&G0 No guard tone, U.S. and Canada
&G1 550 Hz guard tone, some European countries, requires
B0 setting
&G2 1800 Hz guard tone, U.K., requires B0 setting
&Hn Sets Transmit Data (TD) flow control (see also &Rn)
&H0 Flow control disabled
&H1 Hardware flow control, Clear to Send (CTS)
&H2 Software flow control, XON/XOFF
&H3 Hardware and software flow control
&In Sets Receive Data (RD) software flow control (see also &Rn)
&I0 Software flow control disabled
&I1 XON/XOFF signals to your modem and remote system
&I2 XON/XOFF signals to your modem only
&Kn Enables/disables data compression
&K0 Data compression disabled
&K1 Auto enable/disable
&K2 Data compression enabled
&K3 MNP5 compression disabled
&Mn Sets Error Control (ARQ) for connections at 1200 bps and
&M0 Normal mode, error control disabled
&M1 Reserved
&M2 Reserved
&M3 Reserved
&M4 Normal/ARQ
&M5 ARQ mode