White Rodgers 1F85-0477 Thermostat User Manual

1) This control can be confi gured for:
MS 2 – Multi-Stage System (no heat pump)
HP 1 – Heat Pump with one stage of compressor
HP 2 – Heat Pump with two stage compressor or two
compressor system, Gas or Electric backup
SS 1 – Single Stage System
2) GAS or Electric (ELE) fan operation. If the heating sys-
tem requires the thermostat to energize the fan, select
ELE. Select GAS if the heating system energizes the fan
on a call for heat.
3) Select Cool Savings™ value – Selects the amount
of adjustment for the Cool Savings™ feature in Cool
mode with 1 (1°) being the least amount of adjustment
and 6 (6°) being the most amount of adjustment. Default
value is 0 which disables this feature. Selecting a value
greater than 0 will display Cool Savings on the screen
and enable the key for Cool Savings feature. Cool Sav-
ings is an optional energy saving feature that can reduce
your cooling costs. It is based on the principal that lower
indoor humidity makes a slightly higher temperature
feel more comfortable. Cool Savings operates during
periods of high demand which normally occur on the
hottest summer days when a cooling system may run
for hours to reach the thermostat setting. Long cooling
run times also lower the indoor humidity. Cool Savings,
very slowly, adjusts the setpoint temperature to make the
setpoint closer to the displayed room temperature, to a
maximum of the number of degrees you select. Adjust-
ing the setpoint temperature over a long cooling run time
allows the system to reach your set temperature and turn
off. The room temperature will actually be higher than
the thermostat displays but the reduction in humidity will
allow comfort at the slightly higher temperature.
To turn this feature on in the Cool mode press Cool
Savings. The display will show “Save” next to the
setpoint temperature. When Cool Savings is making ad-
justments to the room temperature display “Save” will be
fl ashing and the displayed room temperature may vary
within the adjustment range you selected.
If “Save” is not displayed and this feature is OFF, no
change will occur when the cooling system is continu-
ously running during periods of high demand.
4) Energy Management Recovery: Energy Management
Recovery (E) On enables the thermostat to start heating
or cooling early to make the building temperature reach
the program setpoint at the time you specify. Heating will
start 5 minutes early for every 1° of temperature required
to reach setpoint.
Example: E On is selected and your heating is pro-
grammed to 65° at night and 70° at 7 AM. If the build-
ing temperature is 65°, the difference between 65° and
70° is 5°. Allowing 5 minutes per degree, the thermostat
setpoint will change to 70° at 6:35 AM. Cooling allows
more time per degree, because it takes longer to reach
set temperature.
5, 6 & 7) Cycle Rate Selection – The factory default setting
for Heat and Cool modes, SS1, MS2, is medium cycle
(ME). For Heat Pump, HP1, HP2, the default setting is
medium (ME). For Emer (Aux) the default setting is fast
cycle (FA). To change cycle rate, press the
Cycle rate differentials for different settings are:
Fast Medium Slow
Heat (SS1, MS2) 0.4°F 0.6°F 1.7°F
Cool (SS1, MS2) 0.9°F 1.2°F 1.7°F
Heat Pump (HP1, HP2) 0.9°F 1.2°F 1.7°F
Emer (HP1, HP2) 0.6°F - 1.7°F
8) Select Compressor Lockout CL OFF or ON – Select-
ing CL ON will cause the thermostat to wait 5 minutes
between cooling cycles. This is intended to help protect
the compressor from short cycling. Some newer com-
pressors already have a time delay built in and do not
require this feature. Your compressor manufacturer can
tell you if the lockout feature is already present in their
system. When the thermostat compressor time delay oc-
curs, it will fl ash the setpoint for up to fi ve minutes.
9) System Mode Confi guration – This thermostat is
confi gured for Heat and Cool (SYSTEM switch with Cool,
Off, Heat) default. It can also be confi gured for Heat and
Cool with Auto changeover (Heat, Auto, Cool, Off), Heat
only with fan (Off, Heat), Heat only without fan, Auto only
(Auto, Off), and Cool only (Cool, Off).
10) Select Backlight Display – The display backlight im-
proves display contrast in low lighting conditions. When
the “C” terminal is powered, selecting backlight CdL ON
will keep the light on continuously. Select backlight OFF
will turn the light on momentarily after any key is pressed.
When the “C” terminal is not powered, the light will be on
momentarily after any key is pressed no matter whether
the backlight is selected ON or OFF.
11) Select Temperature Display Adjustment 4 LO to 4 HI
– Allows you to adjust the room temperature display up
to 4° higher or lower. Your thermostat was accurately cali-
brated at the factory, but you have the option to change
the display temperature to match your previous thermo-
stat. The current or adjusted room temperature will be
12) Select F° or C° Readout – Changes the display readout
to Celsius or Fahrenheit as required.
13 & 14) Temperature Limit Range Heat or Cool – This
selection sets the maximum HEAT (13) or minimum
COOL (14) temperature for the setpoint range. Select the
limit temperature using the
or keys. In the Run
mode, the setpoint temperature will not adjust past the
limit temperature selected. When the limit temperature is
reached, trying to raise or lower the setpoint past the limit
will cause “L” to be displayed in the times digits for about 6
seconds. This feature not available on earlier models.
15) Program Options: Confi gured for 7 day or 5/1/1 day pro-
gramming or non-programmable mode. The default set-
ting is P7, indicating 7 day programming. The programs
per week can be changed to P3 by pressing the
keys. A selection of 0 Days for non-programmable
will eliminate the need for EMR, and that step in the
menu will be skipped.
16 & 17) Select Automatic Schedule – With just one touch
of the AUTO SCHEDULE button this feature allows
you to program a desired comfort temperature into all
the program periods along with a 6° set back for night
periods of both Heat and Cool programs. Factory default
is “On” for both. When Heat AS On and Cool AS On
are activated while in Heat or Cool mode, select desired
setpoint temperature and press AUTO SCHEDULE. This
value will be copied into all the morning, day and evening
program periods. The night program periods will have a
6°F set back.
18 & 19) Select Fast Second Stage ON or OFF – Heat
pump or Multi-stage only, in the run mode, with the fast
Heat feature enabled (FA Heat On), if the Heat setpoint
temperature is manually raised by 3°F (2°C) or more
above the actual temperature using
the second
stage will energize immediately. With FA OFF, second
stage will not energize until the setpoint temperature is
1°F or more above actual temperature for more than ten
minutes. The Fast Cool feature (FA Cool) provides the
same controls when the setpoint temperature is lowered.