8.
Corded
overlock
can
be
used
tc
strengthen
and
stabilize
stitches
when
joining
elastic
materials
such
as
knitted
fabrics.
There
are
two
ways
of
corded
overlock.
(1)
Place
the
narrow
cord
(about
3mm)
into
the
hole
in
the
foot
and
back
under
the
foot,
then
sew
with
the
right
needle
stitching
through
the
cord.
(2)
Sew
over
a
narrow
cord,
positioning
it
on
the
edge
of
the
overlocked
stitch.
9.
For
a
neat
and
clean
finish
of
curved
seams:
For
inside
curves,
guide
the
fabric
gently
with
the
trimming
line
of
the
fabric
under
the
right
front
of
the
presser
foot,
applying
pressure
to
the
fabric
with
your
left
hand,
at
the
same
time,
apply
a
little
pressure
in
the
opposite
direction
with
your
right
hand
to
hold
it
against
the
cutter
as
shown.
For
outside
curves,
apply
pressure
in
the
opposite
directions
of
the
above.
—17—