Set
machine
as
shown.
Determine
Length
Measure
diameter
and
thickness
of
button
and
add
0.3cm
(1/8”)
for
bar
tacks.
Mark
buttonhole
size
on
material.
Determine
Width
Determine
width
according
to
diameter
of
button,
its
thickness,
and
kind
of
material.
Attach
buttonhole
foot.
Completely
push
back
sliding
part
j
of
buttonhole
foot.
Place
material
under
foot
so
that
marking
of
buttonhole
passes
through
center
of
foot
and
arrow
Jj)
of
foot
indicates
beginning
line
of
marking.
-J
marking
3cm(1
/8”)
diameter
length
of
a
buttonhole
ciIthickness_
iF
marking
—23--