Application
of
Rick-Rack
hit
\ViA
k
Topstltching/Rlck-Rack
decorative
topstitch
can
be
produced
with
the
rick-rack
stitch.
Stitch
around
the
structural
lines
of
the
garment
for
a
special
effect.
Topstitch
braid
or
a
decorative
inset
to
add
an
additional
creative
flair.
B.
Tapering/Rick-Rack
The
rick-rack
stitch
may
be
tapered
to.form
creative
stems
and
petals
of
flowers,
embroidered
pictures
and
wall
hangings.
As
in
tapering
the
zigzag,
slowly
turn
the
stitch
width
dial
from
to
and
back
to
0.
group
of
these
tapered
rick-rack
stitch
will
form
a
bouquet-like
effect.
C.
Procedure:
•
The
elastic
rick-rack
stitch
is
a
zigzag
line
of
stitching
that
is
desired
so
that
seams
may
be
pressed
open.
•
Apply
this
stitch
to
areas
of
stress
on
both
wovens
and
knits.
•
Use
narrow
width
of
zigzag
as
a
heavy
duty
triple
stitch
for
seams.
•
Use
medium
and
wide
widths
of
zigzag
for
overcasting
edges
of
seams,
facings
and
hems
of
heav
ier
weight
fabrics
such
as
terry-
cloth,
and
for
attaching
elastic.
•
Use
also
for
decorative
stitching.
•
Guide
your
fabric
from
the
front.
Do
not
pull
or
push
as
it
will
cause
poor
stitching.
4J
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