When a dehumidifier begins its run cycle, a
partial frosting of the evaporator can be ob
served. This temporary frosting is limited by the
operating conditions of the unit. In all cases,
the frost should completely disappear within
10 to 15 minutes.
In cool dry conditions, (65°F or lower tempera-
tures, and relative humidity of 60% or less), the
evaporator may become completely coated
with frost or ice. Under these conditions, the
evaporator temperature is reduced to below
freezing (32
°F) because of inadequate heat
load, and it is possible that no moisture will
be collected from the air. Mechanical control
dehumidifiers without a deicer thermostat are
not designed to operate under these condi
tions, and the customer should be advised to
discontinue use until proper ambient conditions
are present.
The control panel (see below) provides the
customer with control over the speed of the fan,
(when this feature is offered), and adjustment
of the amount of moisture in the air. An indica-
tor light also provides information on the water
level in the bucket, and whether the bucket is
properly installed in the unit.
Mechanical control models without a deicer
thermostat, i.e. AD25BSS, must not be oper
ated below 65
°F. Mechanical control models
with a deicer thermostat, i.e. AD35DSS, may
be operated as low as 55°F.
Electronic control models, i.e. AD35USS,
monitor the temperature of the evaporator us
ing a thermistor and may be operated as low
as 38°F.
When the thermistor reaches 30°F, the control
begins timing. After 10 minutes at or below
30°F, the compressor is turned off. The fan
continues to run for a period of 10 minutes
before the compressor is restarted. This low
temperature operation will continue until the
thermistor reaches 40°F for 20 minutes.
The humidistat is an electronic version of
the mechanical humidistat. It monitors the
relative humidity of the room air.
The thermistor is a device that changes re
sistance as the temperature changes. The
electronic control monitors the resistance
and operates the compressor and fan motor
If either the thermistor or the humidistat fails
on electronic control models, the control will
operate in the following manner.
The compressor cycles on for 25 minutes
and off for 10 minutes.
The fan operates continuously at the set
speed or High if set to Auto mode.
A.Light glows, indicating the bucket is full or is not in correct position.
B.Adjusts amount of moisture removed from room.
A.Light glows, indicating the bucket is full or is not in correct position.
B.Adjusts amount of moisture removed from room.
C.Selects fan speed.