56 SSP-PRC001-EN
Low Ambient Head Pressure Con-
trol — Shall modulate the RPM of unit
outdoor fan motor in response to out-
door ambient temperatures and liquid
line temperature. Accessory provides
unit cooling operation to outdoor tem-
peratures of 0° F.
Vibration Isolation Packages —
Shall reduce transmission of noise
and vibration to building structures,
equipment and adjacent spaces. Pack-
ages shall be available in either neo-
prene-in-shear or spring-flex types.
Time Delay Relay — Shall prevent
compressors in dual compressor unit
from coming on line simultaneously.
Timer shall be 24-volt, 60 cycle, with
four minute timing period.
Anti-Short-Cycle Timer — Shall
prevent rapid on-off compressor cy-
cling in light load conditions by not al-
lowing compressor to operate for 5-7
minutes upon shutdown. Shall consist
of a solid state timing device, 24-volt,
60 cycle with either 5 or 7 minute
fixed-off timing period.
Condenser Coil Guard — Metal
grille with PVC coating shall be pro-
vided to alleviate coil damage.
Black Epoxy Coated Condenser
Coil — This factory installed option is
designed to provide corrosion protec-
tion of air cooled condenser coils for
seacoast application. The black epoxy
coil protection is a factory applied
thermoset vinyl coating, bonded to
normal aluminum fin stock. The uni-
form thickness of the bonded vinyl
layer exhibits excellent corrosion pro-
tection in salt spray tests performed in
accordance with ASTM B177.
Air Handlers
Air handler units shall be completely
factory assembled including coil, con-
densate drain pan, fan motor(s), filters
and controls in an insulated casing
that can be applied in either vertical or
horizontal configuration. Units shall
be rated and tested in accordance
with ARI standard 340/360. Units shall
be UL listed and labeled in accor-
dance with UL 1995 for indoor blower
coil units.
Unit casing shall be constructed of
zinc coated, heavy gauge, galvanized
steel. Exterior surfaces shall be
cleaned, phosphatized and finished
with a weather-resistant baked
enamel finish. Casing shall be com-
pletely insulated with cleanable, foil
faced, fire-retardant, permanent,
odorless glass fiber material. All insu-
lation edges shall be either captured
or sealed. Knockouts shall be pro-
vided for unit electrical power and
refrigerant piping connections. Cap-
tive screws shall be standard on all
access panels.
Refrigeration System
The TWE060A, TWE090A, TWE120A
units shall have a single refrigeration
circuit and the TWE060B, TWE090B,
TWE120B, TWE180B, TWE240B units
shall have dual refrigeration circuits.
Each refrigeration circuit is controlled
by a factory installed thermal expan-
sion valve.
Evaporator Coil
Configured aluminum fin surface shall
be mechanically bonded to 3/8" inter-
nally enhanced copper tubing and fac-
tory pressure and leak tested at 375
psig. Coil is arranged for draw-
through airflow and shall provide a
double sloped condensate drain pan
constructed of PVC plastic. The drain
pan shall be removable for cleaning.
The condensate drain pan can be
installed in any of four positions
allowing for vertical or horizontal
application and providing external
connections on either side of the unit.
Evaporator Fan
Double inlet, double width, forward
curved, centrifugal-type fan(s) with
adjustable belt drive shall be stan-
dard. Thermal overload protection
shall be standard on motor. Fan and
motor bearings shall be permanently
lubricated. Oversized motors shall be
available as an option for high static
application. All indoor fan motors
meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of
1992 (EPACT)
Magnetic evaporator fan contactor,
low voltage terminal strip, check
valve(s), and single point power entry
shall be included. All necessary con-
trols shall be factory-installed and
wired. Evaporator defrost control
shall be included to prevent compres-
sor slugging by temporarily interrupt-
ing compressor operation when low
evaporator coil temperatures are