Supply-Air Ductwork
Install the 1" (25.4 mm) supply-air duct
flange to the vertical and horizontal
equipment with the (8) 5/16" (7.94 mm)
factory supplied Torx head screws.
The duct collar assembly for each unit
is located:
• Model GEH 1/2 to 5 ton = in a box
on the side of the unit
• Model GEV 1/2 to 10ton = inside of
the refrigeration section of the unit
• Model GEH 6 to 15 ton = of the re-
frigeration section of the unit
• Model GEV 12 1/2 to 25 ton = facto-
ry ship with a duct collar installed
for units containing a top supply-
air location. For units with a back
or front supply-air location, the
duct collar assembly must be or-
dered separately from the factory,
or be field provided.
When attaching the field ductwork to
the unit, provide a watertight flexible
connector at the unit to prevent oper-
ating sounds from transmitting
through the ductwork. See Figure 4.
Elbows with turning vanes or splitters
are recommended to minimize air
noise due to turbulence and to reduce
static pressure.
Return-Air Ductwork
Install the 1"/2" (25.4/50.8 mm) adjust-
able filter rack to the horizontal equip-
ment only with the use of (4) 5/16"
(7.94 mm) factory supplied Torx head
screws. The vertical equipment factory
ships with the filter rack and filter(s) in-
When attaching the field ductwork to
the unit, provide a water tight flexible
connector at the unit to prevent oper-
ating sounds from transmitting
through the ductwork. See Figure 5.
Elbows with turning vanes or splitters
are recommended to minimize air
noise due to turbulence and to reduce
static pressure.
Figure 4: Flexible supply-air connector (field provided)
Figure 5: Flexible return-air connector (field provided)