Thermo Products OH6FA072DV4N Furnace User Manual

1. Have system inspected and started by a qualified heating contractor.
2. Check oil level in tank. If the tank has not been filled with fresh oil, inspect the remaining oil for
signs of contamination with water, algae, dirt or other impurities. If excessive, consult your oil
supplier for recommendations.
3. Change the oil filter cartridge and clean the canister.
4. Set the room thermostat above room temperature.
5. Open all valves in the oil supply line.
6. Open the inspection cover on the upper mounting plate.
7. Turn on the electrical power to start the burner. If the burner does not start, immediately reset the
manual overload switch on the motor (if so equipped) and the safety switch of the burner
primary control. Bleed air from the fuel oil line as soon as the burner motor starts rotating. To
bleed the fuel pump, attach a clear plastic hose over the vent plug, refer to Figure 27. Loosen
the plug and catch the expelled oil in an empty container. Tighten the plug when all the trapped
air appears to be purged. If the burner stops during bleeding, wait three to five minutes for the
control safety switch to cool. Then manually reset the switch. Continue bleeding the line until the
air is completely removed.
Figure 27: Location of Oil Pump Vent Plug
8. Follow the previous Initial Burner Operation procedures.
χWARNING: Never burn garbage or refuse in this appliance. Never try to ignite oil
by tossing burning papers or other material into the combustion chamber.
Oil-fired appliances produced by Thermo Products are designed for
burning No. 2 distillate (domestic heating) fuel oil. Never use gasoline or a
mixture of oil and gasoline.