Thermo Products OD6RA072DV5B Furnace User Manual

E. Air Filters
Filter Installation
The OD6 comes with (2) two 18-3/4” x 12-3/4” reusable filters. A “W” style filter rack is shipped with the
furnace for placement of the filters inside the return air plenum. Access to the filters is through the
removable blower door. For horizontal installations, it is recommended that return air grill filters be
installed for homeowner access.
Fig. 10: A typical filter rack and dimensions for the OD6 furnace.
: Failure to comply with minimum filter installation requirements may affect the
performance and/or void the warranty on this unit.
If a method other than Thermo Pride filter racks is selected for retention of the filter and/or use of a
different filter type is desired, refer to Table 4 below for minimum sizing guidelines for selecting filter for
the unit.
Model Number
Filter Type
Air Velocity
*Thermo Products
Supplied Permanent
600 475 in²
(2 filters @ 238in² each)
500 576 in²
(2 filters @ 288in² each)
Disposable 300 960 in²
(2 filters @ 480in² each)
Table 4: Minimum Required Filter Area (in square inches)
* The Thermo Products supplied filter can be cut to size to fit other filter retention systems as
long as the minimum size requirement is met.
NOTICE: Any internal stiffeners used in the filter must not be removed, although
they can be cut to size as needed.