1) Plug in power cable into any single or two phase AC line for 115VAC or 220VAC 50/60Hz operation, per unit configuration.
To change input voltage configuration, remove all connecting wires to rear terminal strips, then removing two small screws
at rear, remove can. On lower PC board push slide switch toward rear of can for 115VAC, and toward front of can for
220VAC, reassemble in opposite order. Remark can as to new voltage configuration. A 3-wire grounded power cord is
supplied with all gauges, if different connector is required, please substitute appropriate 3-wire grounded power cord.
Please allow 30 minutes for tube to adjust to new ambient conditions when moving gauge tube from one environment to
another. (See section 3.2)
2) Unit can now be operated with a DV-273 that has been installed as detailed in Section 3.2.
3) Relay set point are adjusted by pressing switch on front display toward HI or LO, and using a small screwdriver to turn
trim pot on same side your pressing switch, to adjust and set desired set point. You may configure either N.O. or N.C. by
choice of connection on back of terminal block. (See label on top of HVC-282 can.)
4) 0 to 2VDC linear output may be finely adjusted by turning trim pot on left center of can. (Viewed from front display.)