Firestop Spacer
FTF8-S4 Stabilizer
2" Min.
Air Space
30° Firestop
And Attic Above
Attic Space
2" Min.
Air Space
Firestop Spacer
FTF8-S4 Stabilizer
30° Firestop
And Room Above
Room Above
2" Min.
Air Space
2" Min.
Air Space
It may be necessary to assemble the chimney at
30° when passing through the floor or ceiling
area. Use the F8FS30 firestop spacer as shown
Figures 22 and 23
. Support the chimney at
floor or ceiling penetration with a FTF8 stabi-
lizer if distance of chimney below ceiling is 10'
or more. Maintain 1"* minimum air space to
combustibles from chimney sections.
Figure 23
Figure 22
Note: Assemble one component of chimney at
a time (inner section first, then outer section
last) before proceeding with the next complete
Continue to assemble the chimney up through
framed opening. Assemble just enough to pen-
etrate the roof flashing openings (
Figure 27
Always maintain 1"* minimum air space to
combustible materials and always check each
chimney joint (inner and outer) to ensure proper
engagement. Check vertical alignment of chim-
ney so that it projects from the roof in true
vertical position.
Figure 27
Security's chimney sections do not need to be
screwed together. Additional reinforcement is
not necessary except in certain offset condi-
tions (refer to page 14,
Figure 38
Step 5. The height of vertical chimney pipe
supported only by the fireplace must not ex-
ceed 30'. Chimney heights above 30' must be
supported by a Model FTF8-S4 stabilizer in-
stalled at 30' intervals.
Note: The Model FTF8-S4 adds 3" net effective
height to the total chimney system.
Install the Model FTF8-S4 stabilizer by fitting
inner section down into respective section of
proceeding flue pipe and locking outer stabi-
lizer section into place over the outer chimney
pipe. Position for proper clearance through
framed opening and nail straps securely (under
tension in “shear”) into place on framing. Use
8d nails. Attach successive lengths of chimney
pipe directly to stabilizer using same tech-
niques as described in Step 4 (
see Figure 28
*Note: 2" clearance to combustibles required
in Canada.
Step 4.
Chimney sections are con-
structed with a unique locking tab design,
which ensures an immediate, tight assembly
between sections. Plan your chimney require-
ments carefully before assembly as chimney
is difficult to disassemble after installation. If
disassembled, the tabs might become dam-
aged. Be certain tabs are properly formed to
ensure locking tabs engage properly.
The Security Chimney's FTF8 chimney system
is a two piece chimney, which snap together
from the fireplace up. Start with the inner flue
section with the lanced end up, snap lock it in to
the matching collar on top of the fireplace. At all
subsequent joints, the upper flue section fits
into the preceding flue section. Each piece
snaps together by means of locking tabs (9
locking tabs per joint). Check each piece by
pulling up slightly from the top to ensure proper
engagement before installing the next section.
If the flue has been installed correctly, it will not
separate when you test it. Also, the inner flue
joint where each section is joined should be
tight and flat without gaps (
Figure 25
Figure 25
Outer pipe section installs in just the opposite
way; the lanced end goes down and each new
section goes OVER the outside of the previous
section installed (
Figure 26
Figure 26
1"* Min. Air Space
To Combustibles
For Canada Only
When installing the chimney system through
an open attic space, the attic shield assembly-
firestop spacer must be used (
Figure 24
). This
installation is required only for use in Canada.
Figure 24
Open Attic Space
Note: For Canadian installations, all chimney
installed outside the building must be constructed
with galvalume (outer sections only) effective
January 1, 1992. The appropriate model desig-
nations are located in the back of this manual.