CAUTION: A unit cannot be used as an integral part of a machine superstructure
which would impose additional loads on the unit other than those imposed
by the torque being transmitted either through a shaft-mounted
arrangement, and any shaft mounted power transmitting device. (e.g.
sprockets, pulleys, couplings)
CAUTION: For safe operation and to maintain the unit warranty, when changing a
factory installed fastener for any reason, it becomes the responsibility of
the person making the change to properly account for fastener grade,
thread engagement, load, tightening torque and the means of torque
All standard helical ratio multipliers ordered from the factory are shipped with standard
compounded lubricant and is good for ambient temperature ranges of 30 F to 104 F. Double
reduction units have separate oil sumps and must be filled and checked independently. Use of
synthetics can cause problems if they are not compatible with the seals or conventional lubes
they replace. Prior to startup, verify that the oil is at the level shown on the drawing
below. If the ambient temperature will be outside the range for the lubricant installed at the
factory, drain and refill the reducer with the proper viscosity lubricant prior to use.
Before putting the unit into operation, substitute the vent plug for the solid plug at the
position desired. Arrows indicate the recommended vent plug locations.
Oil Type
SAE 40 Weight
ISO 150
Oil Capacity
Size 1 6 fl oz
Size 2 14 fl oz
Size 3 14 fl oz
Change Intervals: Standard compounded lubricants should be changed every six months or
2500 operating hours, whichever comes first. Synthetic lubricants should be changed every two
years or 6000 hours, whichever comes first.
CAUTION: Oil should be changed more often if the unit is used in a severe
environment. (i.e. dusty, humid)