Municipal Wastewater
Numerous empirical equations have been
developed in an attempt to mathematically
describe the reaction taking place in the
trickling filter. The most common and generally
accepted empirical equation in use today
for predicting trickling filter performance in
secondary treatment applications is the modified
Velz equation. MARPAK MXF Series media
performance for secondary treatment (Figs. 8-1
and 8-2) can be evaluated using the modified
Velz equation.
For information regarding the application of
MARPAK MXF Series media for nitrification of
municipal wastewater, please reference
Figs. 9-1 and 9-2.
Industrial Wastewater
MARPAK MXF and MCR Series media can
be used to treat a variety of industrial waste
streams. Due to the wide variation in treat ability
of industrial wastes, trickling filter performance
is best determined from data from trickling
filter installations treating similar wastewater;
general design curves for various categories
of industrial wastewater; or pilot studies. In
addition to clarification, pretreatment including
pH adjustment and nutrient addition may be
required. The wastewater entering the trickling
filter should have a pH between 6.0 and 8.5
and a nutrient balance among BOD, ammonia
nitrogen and phosphorous of 100:5:1.
Remove Existing Rock Media
and Underdrain
Alternate Support Material:
Clay Tile, Concrete Block, Precast Concrete Beams
Rock Media
MarPier Supports
General Design Information