Fan Maintenance
Preventative maintenance will prolong useful life and assure contin-
ued trouble-free operation. After the first week and subsequently
at six month intervals:
• Torque all hardware to specications referenced in this manual.
• Visually inspect the fan for airborne debris damage, contact with
fan cylinder segments, and corrosive attack. Correct any situations
determined detrimental to fan operation.
• Remove any accumulated scale or dirt.
• Clear blade drain holes at fan tip.
Proper identification of your fan is necessary to insure you receive
correct replacement parts. The Marley cooling tower serial number
can be used to determine the fan and any components installed and
maintained as original equipment on a Marley cooling tower. Please
provide the Marley sales representative the necessary information
when ordering replacement fans or components.
Blades can be replaced without rebalancing the entire fan.
If rebalancing is desired, contact the Marley sales representative
in your area.