Sierra Monitor Corporation T12020 Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

Model 5100-XX-IT Toxic Gas Sensor Module
Page: 30
Baud: 38400 (Adjustable 2400 to 38400 Baud)
Parity: None
Stop bit: 1
Data bits: 8
Flow Control: None
Memory map: Appendix E
Warranty: Limited Warranty 2 years
Specifications subject to change without notice
Ordering Information:
5100 - XX - IT - YY - ZZ
|- 5100 Series | | | |
|- 03 = O
| | |
|- 04 = CO |- IT Series | |
|- 05 = H
S |- Al (Aluminum Enclosure) |- 01= Sentry, RS-485, 4-20mA, & Digital Input
|- 06 = Cl
|- SS (Stainless Steel) |- 02= Sentry, RS-485, 4-20mA, Digital Input & Relays