Trace Design
Trace the outline of the design in the embroidery hoop for more
accurate design positioning.
Operates with
Start/Stop Button
No need to use the foot pedal to start and stop embroidery projects
Embroidery Block Indication
and Selection
When sending the whole design at once to the Futura machine,
design color blocks are indicated on the control panel display. To
select a block push numerical selection button.
Move Forward or Backwards
Through a Design
Move forward or backwards through the design using the Needle Stop
position button or Reverse Stitch button.
1 Degree Increment Rotation
Rotate embroidery designs in increments as small as 1 degree for
precise positioning.
Reduce or Enlarge Design
When changing design size, the software automatically recalculates
the stitch density.
Automatic Software Updates
The latest software enhancements can be downloaded automatically
or manually from the Futura software
Automatic Firmware Updates
The latest machine firmware enhancements can be downloaded
automatically or manually from the Futura software.
2 Embroidery Hoops Included A large 4½” x 6¾” hoop and a smaller 3⅛” x 4¾” hoop
CD Video Tutorial Workbook
available as optional purchase
A Compact Disk Video Tutorial/Workbook for the Futura embroidery
software is available. This CD tutorial helps guide you through use of
the Futura software system operation and design creation. It also pro-
vides projects for embroidery and sewing on the Futura machine.
4 Optional Software Packages Avail-
Choose from new, enhanced versions of HyperFont
, Auto Cross-
and PhotoStitch
There is also a new advanced Editing soft-
Model CE-250
SINGER is a registered trademark, and Futura
Auto Cross-Stitch, AutoPunch
and StayBright
are trademarks of The Singer
Company Ltd. or its affiliates. © 2009 The Singer Company Ltd. or its affiliates.