The PowerBroom works best when its
rubber ns can quickly slide or “skim”
over the surface being swept. New or
replacement sweeper belts tend to grip
or drag on hard surfaces, and should
be thoroughly broken in or “scuffed”
before the broom is actually put to
Break-in is easily accomplished by
operating the PowerBroom at full throt-
tle for 3 to 5 minutes in loose gravel or
similar abrasive material.
Break-in and Operation
KEEP CLEAR of drum
assemblies during starting opera-
tions! The drums may rotate during
BURN DANGER! The gear-
case will become very hot during
normal operation.
When sweeping narrow areas such
as sidewalks, the PowerBroom can be
used to throw material directly ahead of
the operator. Clearing wider areas may
require sweeping at an angle to create
windrows to one side of the path being
Windrows of lighter materials often
can be combined into one main row or
pile for eventual pickup, while heavy
or bulky material may need to be col-
lected row-by-row.
To pull debris from corners, reverse
sweeper drum rotation by turning the
powerhead over (throttle facing “up”).
corners with the
PowerBroom upside
Sweeping Windrows
Adjustment Knob
…loosen the adjustment
knob to reverse the
For long-term inverted
Once broken in, a PowerBroom will
effortlessly move an amazing variety of
materials, ranging from snow or stand-
ing water to heavier objects such as
gravel or wood chips.
Experience will help you understand
the operating principles of the PowerB-
room, but safe operation must be prac-
ticed from the start.
Operating Techniques
Operate the PowerBroom at or near full
throttle with its sweeper ns resting on
the work surface.
It is both tiring and unnecessary to lift
or hold the ns from the work surface
during sweeping.
Reversing the PowerBroom
will cause debris to be thrown back
toward the operator. When revers-
ing the PowerBroom, use lower
throttle settings and be aware that
thrown debris may also affect your
Debris shield
A plastic debris shield is available from
your Shindaiwa dealer as a useful
option to your PowerBroom. The shield
helps prevent broadcasting debris
when large volumes of material are
forced over the top of the drum during
Optional accessories
Optional debris shield