Before assembling this unit, make sure
you have all the components required
for a complete unit:
GP344 engine-driven pump
Spark plug wrench ■
Spanner ■
3mm Hex Wrench ■
4mm Hex Wrench ■
Assemble a barbed hose tting, 1.
ring nut, and gasket as shown, and
thread the completed hose tting
assembly onto the pump suction
Push a 1.0" suction hose (not pro-2.
vided) over the suction hose tting on
the pump body, and secure with a 1.0"
hose clamp as shown. Working at the
opposite end of the suction hose, use
a second 1.0" hose clamp to install and
secure the suction strainer.
Submerge the suction hose strainer 3.
in the water source. For maximum
performance, avoid placing the
strainer directly in heavy accumula-
tions of leaves, silt, or other debris.
Hose Clamp
Barbed Hose
Hose Clamp
Ring Nut
Suction Port
Discharge Port
Install the discharge hose (not 4.
provided) using the garden hose
Recheck that both the suction and 5.
discharge hoses are free from
obstructions, and that all connec-
tions are tightly secured.
Assembling the hoses
Priming Port
Parts bag including: ■
1.0" hose clamps (3 each) ■
hose ttings and gaskets ■
(2 each)
garden hose adapter (use gar- ■
den hose only to discharge
Prior to Assembly
Install the Suction and Discharge Hoses
This pump is intended for pump-
ing fresh water only.
Ingested debris can damage the
pump impeller and seals.
Never operate the pump if the
strainer is missing or damaged.
Place the pump as close to the water
source as possible. Increases in suc-
tion lift will lower pump performance.
Do not exceed maximum suction head
of 26 feet.
An Emission Control Label is located on the unit. (This is an EXAMPLE ONLY; information on label varies by en-
gine FAMILY).
The 300 hour emission compliance period is the time span selected by the manufacturer certifying the engine
emissions output meets applicable emissions regulations, provided that approved maintenance procedures are
followed as listed in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
Emission Control (Exhaust & Evaporative)
EPA 2010 and Later and/or C.A.R.B. TIER III
The emission control system for the engine is EM/TWC (Engine Modication and 3-way Catalyst) and for the fuel tank
the Control System is EVAP (Evaporative Emissions) or N (for nylon tank). Evaporative emission may be applicable to
California models only.