
Cleaning & Changing the HEPA-
TYPE Dust Cup Filter
1. After you have emptied the dust from
the Dust Cup (container), separate
the debris screen from the HEPA-
Type filter cartridge by grasping the
debris screen with one hand and the
filter frame with the other and pull
apart. (Fig.13 )
4. Re-assemble the debris screen with
the secondary filter and the HEPA-
Type filter cartridge and replace into
dust cup (container). Ensure that the
filter assembly is completely seated
inside the dust cup (container).
5. Attach the dust cup (container) to the
Important: Do NOT use the HEPA-
Type filter cartridge without the debris
screen in place.
Warning: Always empty the
dust cup and clean the HEPA-
Type dust cup filter before each use
and during prolonged usage. Never
over fill the dust cup. Make sure that
the debris screen, secondary filter
and the HEPA-TYPE filter have
completely air dried before
replacing into the vacuum.
NOTE: If you wash the HEPA-TYPE
filter, make sure that it has
completely air dried for 24 hours
before inserting back in the
: The white pleated
filter material in the HEPA-TYPE Filter
will discolor over time -This is
NORMAL and will NOT affect the
performance of the filter. If the HEPA-
TYPE Filter
is properly
Cleaned after
each use
and suction
does not return
to 100%, then
we suggest that
Filter be cleaned
vigorously until
no more dust
can be removed,
then rinsed under the faucet and
allowed to air dry for 24 hours before
replacing into the vacuum. (Fig. A)
This should be done once a month
or when suction appears to be
reduced .
once a
month or
Fig. A
Warning: Allow 24
hours for drying before
replacing in unit.
Fig. 15
Cleaning the Secondary Filter
1. Below the HEPA-Type filter
there is a secondary filter.
This is washable in
lukewarm water. (Fig. 15)
We recommend washing it
when you are washing your
HEPA filter. Always allow the
secondary filter to air dry for
24 hours before replacing into
the vacuum. Never run the
vacuum without the secondary
filter in place.
Fig. 14
Fig. 13
2. Rinse the debris screen under the
faucet until clean. Allow to air dry or
dry with a clean dish towel. Do NOT
wash in dishwasher.
3. Remove the secondary filter which is
below the HEPA-TYPE filter and then
Vigorously “Tap-Clean” the HEPA-
TYPE dust cup filter on a hard surface
until no more dust is observed
falling out. (Fig. 14)
Ensure that you do
not damage the
pleated filter material
during cleaning. Also
note that
discoloration occurs
during use. This does
NOT affect the filter’s
Important: Si l’orifice de succion ou le boyau de l’aspirateur est BLOQUÉ, arrêtez
l’aspirateur et retirez l’obstruction avant de l’utiliser de nouveau.
1. Ne pas utiliser l’aspirateur près des
chaufferettes, radiateurs ou mégots
de cigarette.
2. Avant d’insérer la fiche dans une
prise murale, assurez-vous que vos
mains sont bien sèches.
4. Pour débrancher la fiche de la prise
murale, tirez sur la fiche plutôt que
sur le cordon.
3. Avant de commencer le nettoyage,
assurez-vous d’enlever tout objet de
grande taille ou pointu risquant
d’endommager l’écran à débris de la
5. Évitez d’utiliser l’aspirateur pour
aspirer toute matière fumante ou
brûlante comme des cigarettes,
allumettes ou cendres chaudes.
6. Ne pas utiliser l’aspirateur sans que
tous les filtres soient en place.
IMPORTANT: To maximize
cleaning performance, clean all
filters after each use.
Always turn off the power switch
and unplug the electrical cord before
emptying the Dust Cup.
7. Frappez vigoureusement le filtre
de type HEPA de la coupelle à
poussière contre une surface
dure jusqu’à ce que toute la
poussière en soit éliminée.