Impact of Curtains, Carpets and Paints
• Dark, heavy material, curtains, carpets, panellings and wall coverings tend to absorb IR light.
Good reception is only possible in direct line-of-sight.
• Roughcast and strongly structured wallpapers (such as woodchip, embossed or fabric papers)
reflect the light unevenly but allow a more uniform propagation of the infra-red signal.
• Smooth and bright walls, smooth tiled floors and mirrors are highly reflective and therefore
favour the propagation of infra-red light.
• Different wall paints may reflect infra-red light differently although they have the same colour.
This is due to the type and composition of the paint pigmentation.
The power necessary to cover a given room varies accordingly.
Impact of Extraneous Light
Daylight and artificial light also have an impact on the IR reception. Their spectra contain infra-
red portions which may interfere with the useful signal of the SZI 1015-T. At worst, the reception
is disturbed by hissing noise.
Extraneous light
IR light
Extraneous light
IR light