The thermostat for this cooler isconnected to the cooler by
means of a 6 conductor thermostat cable (not provided).
Type CL2, 18 or 20 gauge, UL listed thermostat wire is
Route one end of the thermostat cable (9) through the
1/2'_hole in the corner post on the left side ofthe access
door and then through the 1/2_'hole in the left end of
the control box.
B, Insert the individual conductors of the thermostat ;wire
(9) into the terminal block connections on the right side
of the printed circuit board (6). Connect colored wires
to terminals as follows: white to '_C_',brown to _H_,red
to _'L_,green to '_P_,yellow to "D_,and blue to _'R_%Tighten
Install strain relief bushings (7) over the thermostat
cable into the 1/2 °holes in the corner post and control
box, allowing aslight amount of "slack',do not stretch
the thermostat cable tight. Replace the control box
cover - tighten the four screws.
D, Select a location for the thermostat
1. Mount the thermostat about 5 feet above the floor,
2, Mount the thermostat on a partitioning wall, not an
outside wail.
3_ Do not mount it near sources of heat,
4, Do not mount it in the direct draft of cooler air
5 Avoid dead air spaceswhich have titt[e air circulation,
E. Install the thermostat usingthe "Mounting Instructions
for Thermostat" furnished with the cooler,
Eltermostato est_ conectado al enfriador pot medio de
un a[ambre piano de 6 conductores tipo telefono de 66
pies de largo (9) induido en Jacaja,
Guie una punta de[cable de termostato (9) aitrav6s de[
aguiero de 1/2_en el poste de el [ado izquierdo de [a
puerla de acceso y despu6s altrav6s del agujero de
1/2 °de [acaja de controJes.
B. [nserte el conectador en el socket proveido en eI tado
izquierdo de[ circuito impreso (6)en la caia de contro[es.
[nstaJee/sujeta cable (7) sobre el cable yen los aguieros
de 1/2_ en la esquina de[ gabinete yen ]a caja de
contro[es. Deiando una prequena cantidad de cable,
no estire et cable det termostato. Ponga la tapadera de
[a caja de[ control con los cuatro tornillos.
D. Seleccione el tugar para el termostato.
1. MonteM a 5 pies de[ piso.
2, [nsta[ee[ termostato en u_a pared interior no en una
pared que de al exterior.
3. No monte el termostato cerca de una fuente de calor
4_ No Io monte en ta corriente de aire directa de [as
parri[las de[ enfriador.
5. Evite espacios muertos de aire que tengan poquita
E. Instate el termostato usando las "lnstrucciones para
montar et termostato" proveidas con el enfriador.
7 6
4 3 2 1
9 5
1. Chase Nipple
2, Jam Nut
3. Junction Box
4 Switch
5, junction Box Cover
6, Printed Circuit Board
Thermostat Connector
7, Strain Relief Bushings
8, Cooler cabinet
9. Thermostat Cable
1. Niple De Encaje
2. Contratuerca
3. Caja De Empalme
4, lnterruptor
5. Tapadera
6. Conectador De Termostato
En ElCircuit() tmpreso
7. Sujeta Cables
8. Gabinete
9. Cable De Termostato