Screen 2: Months Remainlna
This display mode shows the remaining
capacity of your filter In months, In this
case, 6 months. (See figure 8.)
Bypressingthedisplaybuttonyoucon move
ontothenextdlsplaymode, FlowRate.
Screen 3: Flow Rate
Thisdisplay mode shows you at what
rate water Isflowing through your filter.
(See figure 9,) This unit Is designed and
tested to operate at 0.75 gpm through
the use of an Internal flow restrlctor that
Isdependant upon water pressure.As
sllghtvariationsInwater pressuremay
occur,your displaymay flickerbetween
0.7and 0.8gpm.
The drawing shows that water Isflowing
through your filter at 0.7 gallons per
minute. (See figure 9.) The water drop
scrolls along the gauge at the bottom
as a second Indicator that water Is
flowing through your filter and the water
meter isworking properly. Pushing the
display button again would return you to
Screen 1-Capacity Remaining.
Advisory Beep - 50 gallons left
The water meter will alert you with an
advisory beep when there isless than
60 gallons (200 liters) of capacity remain-
Ing In your filter. It Is a slnale advisory
beep that sounds every 5 seconds when
you draw water, and only when you
draw water. We suggest you contact
your supplier for a replacement filter as
soon as you hear the advisory beep.
(See figure 10.)
O , ooooooooj0
Figure I0
Alarm Beep -Filtercapacity e_austed
The alarm beep sounds when the capac-
it,/of your filter has been exhausted. The
water meter will sound three aulck heeds
when water is drawn. The display will
alternate between "CHANGE FILTER 1*
and the previous screen viewed. The
display will continue to aflemate until the
filter has been changed and the meter
has been reset. (See figure 11.)
Figure 9