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5, Draw thread down and Into
th read gu ida.
6. Pull the thread to the left and slip
_t through the thread guide,
7. Thread then is slipped into needle
bar thread guide.
8. Thread needle from front to back.
NOTE: You may want to cut the
end of the thread with sharp
scissors for eas_er needle
Pick Up Your Bobbin Thread
Raise presser foot lever, Hold
needle thread loosely in left hand
and rotate handwhee! toward you
one compJete turn,
Bring bobbin thread up by pulling
top thread.
If you cannot pick up bobbin thread by following steps gtven above, then check:
1. Is needle threaded from front to back?
2. Is thread tangled around needle?
3. Are 3 to 4 inches of thread coming from the bobbin?
4, Is thread from bobbin tangled?
5. Is bobbin property installed in the bobbin case?
6. Is the machine threaded according to the instructions?
3, Pull both threads under and to the
back of the presser foot, leaving 3
to 4 inches of thread clear,