Dueto the natureof thetypicalgaswaterheater,the
watertemperaturein certainsituationsmayvaryup to
Thismeansthatwhenthetemperatureadjustmentdial is
setatthemarkapproximating120° F,theactualwater
temperatureat anyhot watertapcould beashighas
150°For aslowas90°F.
Anywaterheater'sintendedpurposeisto heatwater.Hot
wateris neededfor cleaning(bodies,dishes,clothing).
Hotwaterwill presenta scaldhazard.Dependingonthe
timeelement,andthe peopleinvolved(normaladults,
Turnthewatertemperaturedial clockwise(/"-_) to
decreasethetemperature,or counterclockwise(_",_)
to increasethetemperature.
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are
ntended to produce hot water. Water heated to a tem-
perature which will satisfy clotheswashing, dish wash-
ng_and other sanitizing needs can scald-and perma-
lently injure you upon contact. Some people are more
ikelyto be permanently injured by hot water than oth-
._rs.These include the elderly, children, the infirm, or
physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using hot
water in your home fits into one of these groupsor if
there is a local code or state law requiring a certain
temperature water at the hot water tap, then you must
take special precautions. In addition to usingthe low-
estpossibletemperature setting that satisfiesyour hot
Waterneeds,some type of tempering device, suchas a
mixing valve, should be usedatthe hot water taps used
by thesepeople or at the water heater.
_e_er allow smallchildren to usea hot water tap, or to
d_w theirown bath water. Never leave a child or hand-
|_p ed ers0n unattended
in a bathtub or shower.
Y HOT-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
120°F, which will supply hot water at the
most economical temperatures. The temper-
ature adjustment knob can be turned lower
than "HOT" if desired.
A-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
B-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
140°E This is the lowest setting for supply of
hot water to dishwashers.
C-Is a thermostat setting of approximately
VERY HOT-Is a thermostat setting of 160°F. It is recom-
mended that the dial be set lower whenever
of this water heater has been factory set at
position, to reduce the risk of scald injury. It is
and must be reset to the desired temperature
The mark (V) HOT indicative of approximately
the preferred starting point. Some states have a
for a lower setting. If you need hotter water,
_'directions for temperature adjustment, but beware
nings in this section.
Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to
shut off, turn "OFF" the manual gas control valve to
the appliance.