Emptying Dust Drum
'WARN_NG: To aVC4d iniu_y from acci!
o_arl_n 9 enplug po_zer cor(_ I
before _rnptying lt_e d_o_, __ _,..
dsurn simpy pu th8 _o_ibe !a_,cbes
oP#ard ot_ aact, side of the i8 18
2 _Jsi_ hgd_ !_se ia.%_s OUl _t the
1o_, assomby ¢_ and away 1tom fl'_;
3 Lay lop asse_s_y upsde dowr on a
4_v, ales _',bie et_s_?lixr'g drug,se_
csasg _g!te_
4 D;_ _ _: d 7f_ Coqt rlls ii)t@ the
_ ep<_:was!ed:_posa containe_
5 A (:,lb,?_ plon s !o u_,e t_e d_ar" p:o_
_d_,d ndw _ @:m _OI ea y_,pt_r_gol
q_d:, S_ ply -_,:¢/ew !h_ d:ain cap
a:d!i_te ::aua:_e_ scth4_i;q
d f',o,os O,x_1_4 dran bo_e
! fails, do not lift _ vac heavy wi_h liqq
i uid ot debrlm S(:oop or drain enough|
contents out to reake the vac light I
enough to !lit cornlortably
Cord Wrap
\_¢ _ r_v cu ;:m!l!_ is cornpl(_te, _mp (_g lh_:
Moving the Vac
Shou!d I become neces:ss<y10 pck the
VSC up to move t, [:_0 "x_OT_ ck the vac
u[/ by the ik_h;:ndles
Blowing Feature
_?urvac!estu_es Fu_l{_owng t _as
t_;,.,csf;abiity Io....bow ss::wd ._s: and oI be_'
_b_ _- Foow the s_/_s b÷!ow 1o use
_ou_ vac as a b!ower
IWARNING: A{ways wear safe#_ gog.
Igloo complying with ANSi Z87.!
Lbefore using as a blower. _.]
[WAR[_ING: 1/o avoid mlury to
Ibys_anders_ keep them clear of blow-!
ling debris, i
2 t%;et soft er.d c_ par r_ se :to iics,,,:lg
30ptiona} A_ach eX_enson wane to
swive_erd O_ho%e t_e ; ace 8 _.'lower
r_C:ZZ_ Or 1,21@W&fsq
-_ _,lrt_ VaC Of%ar3d you a!e !ea(_y to US!
y:?_ *z8 as a bbwer
Sea_5 re* or,'monded i_coessorl< ->are
av;_iabieaiSea_s!et_Istores [r_e%e,?5
_ ower Nozzi_ Slock N') 9 !6933 nJ
,a a.e,_ ab.k ,_, 9-16964 are
_ecc;ni'_qer de i for bowing deb_ s
Sef_ Er_