Level Indicator (marine option only):
The TankWatch unit utilizes micro-oat switches which
activate an indicator panel. The micro-oat switches are
installed in the top of the holding tank. The adjustable
probe assemblies are exible polybutylene tubing and are
designed to ex when tank contents move.
VacuStat™ Indicator Panel: Continuously moni-
tors vacuum status for proper toilet operation.
Brushed metallic finish complements bathroom
decor. Item number 700112 (12VDC).
Vacuum Status Panel (optional): A two-light status panel
indicates the system is “OK to Flush” or “Do Not Flush”.
The green “OK to Flush” light is illuminated when there is
adequate vacuum pressure available and when the holding
tank is less than full. Item number 710012.
VacuFlush Status Panel (optional): Includes two-light
status panel indicating the system is “OK to Flush” or “Do
Not Flush”, and circuit breaker to shut down system at night.
Item number 500012 (12 VDC) or 500024 (24 VDC).
Vacuum Generator Shut-down Relay (standard on RVs;
marine option): This relay can automatically shut down
power to the VacuFlush toilet system to prevent overl-
ling of the holding tank. Item number 310289 (12 VDC) or
310290 (24 VDC).
Vacuum Tester (optional): This tool assists in identifying
the location of vacuum leaks. The vacuum tester consists
of a vacuum gauge and a cone-shaped plug. Inserting the
plug in the inlet of the vacuum tank or vacuum generator
isolates the toilet from the system. In this way, a vacuum
leak can easily be located in either system. Item number
In-Line Vent Filter (marine option only): The SaniGard
vent lter has special odor-removing lter materials to help
keep your vehicle smelling clean and pleasant. Heavier-
than-air malodors accumulate in the holding tank. This vent
lter has a special type of activated lter media to remove
these odors before they offend. Each cartridge is good for
an entire season, and is easily replaced for a fresh start.
Replacement cartridges are available.
Holding Tanks (marine option only – not shown):
SeaLand holding tanks are made of super-strong, 3/8”
(10mm) thick polyethylene — 50% thicker than most other
holding tanks. Each features solid, one-piece construction
with no seams for unmatched durability. A deodorant ad-
ditive is recommended to keep the holding tank odor-free.
See Deodorants and Special Tissue section for further
information (page 8).
Status Panel
Vacuum Tester
VacuStat Indicator Panel
Vent Filter
Panel and
Status Panel