Continuous-Cleaning Oven Finish (some models)
The rot,gh surfaces III your oven have a contlnuous-
cieamny frrrsh Spatters sL)read and fill the pores of this
specral frnrsh and then gradually burn away at medium to
htgh temperatures.
Heavv spllcvers or borrove.s need a lrttle help from you
tJct ;rear ihater ar!d a detergent or a cleanser such as
Lrqurd Ajax, rap Job Lrqurd L.ysol or Mr
Pearl mixed In water, alld a sofr cloth or nylon brush
to clt:ari any heavy sprll(:vers
Do not use paper towels or sponges because partrcies
of these materrals WIII rub oft and clog the pores of the
oven tln:sh
Crusty and varnish-lrke sta,ns clog the pores In the
frnrst; and must be re-noved or broken up before
clearlrng takes place. They can be loosened by gently
stain wrth a wooden or plastrc utensrl
After cleaning the over surface rinse it well using
three tabiespoons of v,liegar mixed with a quartpof
ccrd water Blot “p excess irqurd
Ne\tB, scrape or use aOr..> “-~vt: materrals such as scour-
rng Fowoers. comrriercidi oven cleaners or steel scour-
rng (lads for cieanrng
sptllovers These materrals
~111 scratch and damage the frnrsh
Tne rernarnlng so11 WII! gr,ldually burn off with normal
oven use
‘he :)W’II WI appear presentably clean, but some spat-
ters mai be present
he hgher the oven temperature, the faster the cleanrng
:lctroi Cleanrng ttme depends on type and amount of
,011, over’ temperature and length of oven use
If stubborn starns remain a’?er normal oven use, you can
operate the oven empty at 400°F for additional contrnu-
ous cledriing action
Sorne foods may leave a jrscoloratron even when the
surface IS clean
The continuous-cleaning process IS Illustrated below-
3 4
1. A sprllover has formed a mound of SOII.
2. The sprllover has been wiped up
3. Amount of so11 remaining after four hours of oven use
at 400” F
4. After eight hours of oven use at 4OO”F, the soil IS
You can protect the oven bottom from spillovers by using
a piece of foil under your utenstl. Cut the foil slightly
larger than the pan and turn up the edges. Use two oven
racks and put the foil on the lower rack below the pan. Do
not use foil on the same rack as the pan. This will reflect
heat away.
Do not cover the oven bottom or an entire
oven rack with foil. The foil can block nor-
Avoid sprllrng salt on the continuous-cleaning finish. Salt
may become trapped in the pores and may cause rusting.
Never use oven cleaners on the continuous-cleaning
finish Such cleaners will damage the finish.