Cavity Insert Instructions
The following instructions are intended for
qualified service personnel ONLY, and should
only be done when necessary.
In order to replace the thermostat or heating element,
remove the cavity insert crossbar by following the
instructions below:
Turn off the power to the water heater.
Remove the jacket access panel(s) and insulation.
Rotate the crossbar up and down until it breaks
away from the remainder of the cavity insert.
(See illustration to the left)
Discard the crossbar. It cannot and need not be
Replace the thermostat and/or element as
Replace the insulation and jacket access panel(s)
before turning on the power to the water heater.
NNOOTTIICCEE:: TThhee ccaavviittyy iinnsseerrtt ccrroossssbbaarr iiss nneecceessssaarryy
ffoorr tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg pprroocceessss oonnllyy.. TThhee rreemmoovvaall
ooff tthhee ccrroossssbbaarr wwiillll nnoott iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh tthhee
ooppeerraattiioonn ooff tthhee wwaatteerr hheeaatteerr..
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