Almost 30 years ago, I founded this com-
pany with a mission to produce the nest
replace products available anywhere.
The Hampton line is the result of millions
of dollars in product development, years
of re search and lis tening to what consum -
ers are looking for in a replace: timeless
styling, exceptional quality and a way to
cut home heating costs.
Hampton Quality
The rich, porcelain, enamel nish of each
Hampton cast iron product is a work of
art. Select the tasteful glass grill, one of
four fashionable colors, side shelves, dou-
ble screen doors and create your own
Exceptional Fire
Without question, the Hampton re is
the best in the industry. Gas res feature
dancing ames and glowing embers,
wood res reveal the age old joy of the
snap of wood as it catches re and the
curl of yellow ames from glowing em-
Cut Fuel Bills in Half
Turn your furnace down and enjoy
comforting Hampton heat in the living
areas you spend time in. Have peace of
mind, even during power outages. All
Hampton products continue to operate
without electricity.
One Hampton = One Tree
At Hampton Fireplaces, we are commit-
ted to protecting our environment. For
every Hampton sold, we will plant a tree.
Working with American Forests, the trees
planted across North America will o-
set carbon emissions and take one more
step to restore nature's balance.
Lifetime Warranty
I am so condent in the quality work-
manship, the nest materials and durable
heavy-duty construction invested in each
and every product, that I oer a Limited
Lifetime Warranty. I know that you will
be as proud of your Hampton as I am – I
guarantee it.
Robert Little
Founder & CEO
why choose Hampton?