NOTE: Flush control is set at factory to work in most
installations and no additional programming is needed.
Use following instructions to re-program if adjustment
on water levels and timings are needed.
Programming timing for “NORMAL” flush cycle:
Normal cycle has initial fill time (T1), Discharge pump
time (T2), and water retention fill time (T3). All three
times (T1,T2 and T3) are programmable.
Factory setting : T1=3 sec, T2=2 sec, T3= 3 sec,
To change any of the above settings re-programming is
Step 1 – Placing the unit in program mode:
Hold the WATER ONLY & EMPTY buttons down
together for three seconds. The Holding Tank Full
LED will give three quick flashes indicating you have
entered program mode - release both buttons.
Setting T1 initial fill time:
After placing the unit in program mode (Step 1 above)
push the “Normal Flush” button the number of times
required for the Water Valve/Inlet Pump time (one
push = 1 sec’s, two = 2 sec’s., etc.) the Tank LED
will flash once indicating a valid key push.
Note: If the button is pushed 9 times it will start back
at 2 seconds. Once this is done, push the EMPTY
button to store this value (the unit will flash three times
indicating the time has been set and you have left
program mode).
Setting T2 Discharge Pump Time:
After placing the unit in program mode (Step 1 above)
push the EMPTY button the number of times required
for the Discharge Pump time (one push = one second,
etc.) the Tank LED will flash once indicating a valid
key push.
Note: If the button is pushed 9 times it will start back
at 1 second. Once this is done push the NORMAL
button to store this value (the unit will flash three times
indicating the time has been set and you have left
program mode).
Setting T3 Water retention fill Time:
After placing the unit in program mode (Step 1 above)
push the WATER ONLY button the number of times
required for the Water Valve/Inlet Pump time (one
push = ZERO sec’s, two = 1 sec. three = 2 sec’s.,
etc.) the Tank LED will flash once indicating a valid
key push. Note: If the button is pushed 9 times it will
start back at zero.
Once this is done push the “NORMAL” button to
store this value (the unit will flash three times
indicating the time has been set and you have left
program mode).
Programming the WATER ONLY Disable
1. Hold the WATER ONLY & EMPTY buttons
down together for three seconds. The holding
tank full LED will give THREE flashes indicat-
ing you have entered program mode .
2. Push the WATER SAVER button. TheWATER
ONLY and EMPTY buttons now can be dis-
abled or enabled:
3. Pushing the WATER ONLY button will disable
both WATER ONLY and EMPTY buttons. The
holding tank full LED will give THREE flashes
indicating you have left program mode.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 to re-enable these buttons.
The WATER ONLY button can be set to only
work after the EMPTY button has been
pushed: (prevents children from flooding the toilet)
To program this feature
1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 above
2. Pushing the EMPTY button will enable this
feature. The holding tank full LED will give
THREE flashes indicating you have left
program mode. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to disable
these features.
Programming the Holding Tank Full Lockout
Disable Features:
1. Hold the WATER ONLY & EMPTY buttons
down together for three seconds. The holding
tank full LED will give THREE flashes indicat-
ing you have entered program mode .
2. Push the WATER SAVER button. This will
place control in disable/enable mode
3. Pushing the WATER SAVER button again. The
holding tank full LED will give THREE flashes
indicating you have left program mode.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 to re-enable Holding Tank Full
Lockout feature..
Programming of Toilet Flush Control