Pro-B2 1200R (Radio optional)
The B2 offers you: a full 8 f-stop range up to 1200
Ws, 200 full power flashes per charge and recycling in
0.04–1.8 s and flash durations of 1/2200 – 1/7400 s.
Optional radio for wireless triggering.
90 08 80 Pro-B2 1200 Incl. Multivoltage charger and
Sync Cable
90 08 96 Pro-B2r 1200 US (344MHz) Incl.
Multivoltage charger, Sync Cable, Radio
90 08 97 Pro-B2r 1200 EUR (433MHz) Incl.
Multivoltage charger, Sync Cable, Radio
AcuteB 600R (Radio optional)
The AcuteB 600 is all about simplicity and
lightness. Weighing a mere 4.8 kg (11 lbs) and
delivering a 7 f-stop, in 2/10 f-stop increments,
from 9 – 600 Ws, it's Profotos smallest pack that
you can easily bring along and taking quality light
wherever you go.
Up to 160 fast power flashes per charge and
recycling on 0.09 – 2.6 s with a flash duration of
1/1000 – 1/6800 s.
90 09 31 AcuteB 600
90 09 33 AcuteB 600R EUR (433MHz) Battery
operated, incl battery charger 1A and
Sync Cable and Radioreceiver
90 09 32 AcuteB 600R US (344MHz) Battery
operated, incl battery charger 1A, Sync
Cable and Radioreceiver
Pro-7b 1200
High-capacity battery powered generator for total
freedom on location. In the studio, the Pro-7b
can be charged while shooting, thus extending
its usage. Each battery holds energy enough for
250 full power flashes, recycling 0.09 – 2.8 s and
flash durations 1/1400 – 1/3000 s. The Pro-7b
accepts up to two lamp heads for symmetrical or
asymmetrical operation.
90 07 21 Pro-7b 1200 Battery operated, incl.
Multivoltage charger and Generator
Sync Cable
D4 4800R/2400R/1200R (Radio optional)
Four individually controlled fully assymetric outlets. 8
f-stop power range for precise control in 1/10 or full f-stop
increments. Short flash duration and fast recycling are
inherent in the design of a Profoto generator. The D4
1200 has a flash duration from 1/7500 to 1/1000 sec. and
recycling times from 0.07 to 1.20 sec. The D4 2400 offers
flash durations from 1/4500 to 1/600 sec. and recycling
times from 0.09 to 2.20 sec. The D4 4800 has a flash
duration from 1/2700 to 1/350 sec and recycling time from
0.12 to 4.40 sec. In addition, from flash to flash and over
the entire power range, no shifts of the colour temperature
or f-stop will occur – even if four heads are used. This
guarantees accurate, consistent results for all analogue and
digital shots. Has an optional radio for wireless triggering.
90 08 71 D4 1200
90 08 72 D4 2400
90 08 77 D4 4800
90 08 75 D4r 1200 Generator incl. Syncro Cable and Radio
receiver EUR (Radio 433 Mhz) and power cable
90 08 76 D4r 2400 Generator incl. Syncro Cable and Radio
receiver EUR (Radio 433 MHz) and power cable
90 08 79 D4r 4800 Generator incl. Syncro Cable and Radio
receiver (Radio 433 Mhz) and power cable
90 08 73 D4r 1200 Generator incl. Syncro Cable and Radio
receiver US (Radio 344 MHz) and power cable
90 08 74 D4r 2400 Generator incl. Syncro Cable and Radio
reciver US (Radio 344 MHz) and power cable
90 08 78 D4r 4800 Generator incl. Syncro Cable and Radio
receiver US (Radio 344 MHz) and power cable
Acute2 2400R/1200R (Radio optional)
Designed for top performance, the fan-cooled Acute2 2400
allows studio pack features in a small size convenient for
travel. Or what about three asymmetric outlets, 2400Ws
maximum output, a 6 f-stop energy range, and flash durations
of 1/1800 – 1/320s in a box weighing no more than 6.1 kg
(13.4 lbs).
Similar to the Acute2 2400, the 1200 offers even faster
recycling and shorter flash durations in an even smaller
package, at 19x22x13 cm (7.5"x8.7"x5.1") weighing a mere
4.1 kg (9 lbs). In short: the perfect choice when 1200Ws is
enough. Optional for radio triggering.
90 07 73 Acute2 1200
90 07 74 Acute2 2400
90 08 11 Acute2r 1200 EUR (433MHz) Radio incl. Syncro
Cable and power cable
90 08 12 Acute2r 2400 EUR (433MHz) Radio incl. Syncro
Cable and power cable
90 07 75 Acute2r 1200 US (344MHz) Radio incl. Syncro
Cable and power cable
90 07 76 Acute2r 2400 US (344MHz) Radio incl. Syncro
Cable and power cable