Part Six – Display Reading and What They Mean
Start-up and Normal Operation Readings
Page 6-3 and 6-4 contain vital information about the various readings you may
see on your display. We suggest you keep this User’s Guide handy for reference.
Your new Nighthawk carbon monoxide and explosive Gas
alarm is a sophisticated electronic device – yet very simple to
understand. Basically, the unit will display a “0” if it does not
sense carbon monoxide or Gas and if you have a good 9V
backup battery installed.
If it senses carbon monoxide, it will display a reading in parts
per million of carbon monoxide or “GAS” if either natural Gas
or propane has been detected..
However, if the backup battery is low or missing, or if the unit
malfunctions it will display other readings (and alarm differ-
ently) to alert you that something is wrong with the
Please familiarize yourself and other family members to the
difference between a CO reading, a Gas reading and a reading
signifying a problem with the
alarm itself.
Display Shows Alarm Sound Unit Status Recommended Action
Brief “888” One short “chirp” Self checking when AC powered None – Unit should return
(Test button was pressed or unit to zero within a minute..
was first powered).
“Lb” flashes One short “chirp” Start-up or reset phase when Install or Replace 9V battery
alternately every 15 seconds. AC powered and low battery Refer to page 1-4.
with “0”. or missing battery.
Steady “0” None Normal AC operation (sensing None
and flashing dot no CO or Gas) and with good
Steady display of 4 quick beeps, High level of CO detected Refer to page 4-1
high number (in the 5 seconds off,
hundreds of ppm) repeating.
and flashing dot
GAS 1/2 second Unit has Refer to
beep, 1/2 second detected Gas. page 4-2.
silence repeating
(flashes alternately)
If at any time the alarm does not perform as described, have it replaced immediately.
CO/Gas Alarm Manual Rev. C 3/21/01 11:37 AM Page 22