FFoorr AAddvviiccee,, SSppaarreess oorr AAcccceessssoorriieess,, tteell:: 00884455 007777 77770000 ((UUKK)) oorr 11880000 440099 111199 ((IIrreellaanndd))
To obtain the best results from
your cleaner empty the dust
canister regularly, otherwise the
airflow and cleaning power will
be reduced.
1 Every time the dust canister is
emptied, turn the yellow dial (a
minimum of 5 revolutions) prior
to pressing the dust canister
release button (this will agitate
the fine dust between the filter
pleats and restore the air flow)
2 Remove the dust canister from
the product by pressing the dust
canister release button ‹. Lift
up the lid and remove the
canister from the product,
pulling the dust canister away
from the product. C
3 Holding the dust canister over a
dustbin press the dust release
button as shown D, the bottom
of the dust container will drop
down to release the dirt.
4 Close the bottom of the dust
canister by pressing the base
upwards until it clicks into place.
5 Refit the dust canister back into
the product. Make certain the
dust canister feet are located in
6 Close the lid securely.
When emptying any vacuum
cleaner, it is difficult to avoid
exposure to dust. To minimise
this risk, please ensure that you
encase the dust canister in a
large bag to empty it. Close the
bag as tightly as possible round
the dust canister. Remove the
dust canister and close the bag
as tightly and quickly as
possible and dispose of this
immediately. It is advisable to
wear disposable gloves and a
face mask while emptying the
cleaner. If at all possible, ask a
non allergy sufferer to empty the
dust canister when required.
Cleaning canister
1 Access the filter assembly by
removing the lid Ê. Press the lid
release button Ù down then
rotate the lid anti-clockwise E.
2 Use the filter cleaning brush to
remove any fluff from the
outside of the mesh filter.
3 Rotate mesh filter clockwise to
disassemble the filters.
4 Shake the pleated filter to
remove any dust.
5 Both the mesh and pleated
filters may be washed (in cool
water only) but must be
thoroughly air dried before
IMPORTANT: Do not use
detergents to clean the filters.
• A spare pleated filter is
provided. This allows one to be
in use whilst the other is washed
and dried.
6 To re-assemble, locate the
pleated filter into the lid then
secure into place with the mesh
filter by rotating the mesh filter
7 Fit the lid with filter assembly
onto the canister then rotate
clockwise until it locks into