Mitsumi electronic SUZ-KA25 Air Conditioner User Manual

1. The following should always be observed for safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Selecting the installation location
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Installation diagram
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Drain piping for outdoor unit
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1. The following should always be observed for safety
After reading this manual, be sure to keep it together with the instruction
manual in a handy place on the customer’s site.
: Indicates a part which must be grounded.
Carefully read the labels afxed to the main unit.
Do not install it by yourself (customer).
Incomplete installation could cause injury due to re, electric shock, the
unit falling or leakage of water. Consult the dealer from whom you pur-
chased the unit or special installer.
Install the unit securely in a place which can bear the weight of the unit.
When installed in an insufcient strong place, the unit could fall causing
Use the specied wires to connect the indoor and outdoor units securely
and attach the wires rmly to the terminal board connecting sections so
the stress of the wires is not applied to the sections.
Incomplete connecting and xing could cause re.
Do not use intermediate connection of the power cord or the extension
cord and do not connect many devices to one AC outlet.
It could cause a re or an electric shock due to defective contact, defective
insulation, exceeding the permissible current, etc.
Check that the refrigerant gas does not leak after installation has completed.
Perform the installation securely referring to the installation manual.
Incomplete installation could cause a personal injury due to re, electric
shock, the unit falling or leakage of water.
Use only specied cables for wiring. The wiring connections must be made
securely with no tension applied on the terminal connections. Also, never
splice the cables for wiring (unless otherwise indicated in this document).
Failure to observe these instructions may result in overheating or a re.
Perform electrical work according to the installation manual and be sure to
use an exclusive circuit.
If the capacity of the power circuit is insufficient or there is incomplete
electrical work, it could result in a re or an electric shock.
Attach the electrical part cover to the indoor unit and the service panel to
the outdoor unit securely.
If the electrical part cover in the indoor unit and/or the service panel in the
outdoor unit are not attached securely, it could result in a re or an electric
shock due to dust, water, etc.
Be sure to use the part provided or specified parts for the installation
The use of defective parts could cause an injury or leakage of water due to
a re, an electric shock, the unit falling, etc.
Ventilate the room if refrigerant leaks during operation.
If the refrigerant comes in contact with a ame, poisonous gases will be
When pumping down the refrigerant, stop the compressor before discon-
necting the refrigerant pipes. The compressor may burst if air etc. get into it.
When installing or relocating, or servicing the air conditioner, use only the
specied refrigerant (R410A) to charge the refrigerant lines. Do not mix it
with any other refrigerant and do not allow air to remain in the lines.
If air is mixed with the refrigerant, then it can be the cause of abnormal
high pressure in the refrigerant line, and may result in an explosion and
other hazards.
The use of any refrigerant other than that specied for the system will
cause mechanical failure or system malfunction or unit breakdown. In the
worst case, this could lead to a serious impediment to securing product
Perform grounding.
Do not connect the ground wire to a gas pipe, water pipe arrester or tele-
phone ground wire. Defective grounding could cause an electric shock.
Do not install the unit in a place where an inammable gas leaks.
If gas leaks and accumulates in the area surrounding the unit, it could
cause an explosion.
Install a ground leakage breaker depending on the installation place (where
it is humid).
If a ground leakage breaker is not installed, it could cause an electric
Please provide an exclusive circuit for the air conditioner and do not con-
nect other electrical appliances to it.
Be sure to read “The following should always be observed for safety” be
fore installing the air conditioner.
Be sure to observe the cautions specied here as they include important
items related to safety.
The indications and meanings are as follows.
Could lead to death, serious injury, etc.
Could lead to serious injury in particular environments when operated incor-
Perform the drainage/piping work securely according to the installation
If there is a defect in the drainage/piping work, water could drop from the
unit and household goods could be wet and damaged.
Fasten a are nut with a torque wrench as specied in this manual.
When fastened too tight, a are nut may broken after a long period and
cause a leakage of refrigerant.
2.1. Outdoor unit
Where it is not exposed to strong wind.
• Whereairowisgoodanddustless.
Where it is not exposed to rain and direct sunshine.
Where neighbours are not annoyed by operation sound or hot air.
Where rigid wall or support is available to prevent the increase of operation
sound or vibration.
Where there is no risk of combustible gas leakage.
• Wheninstallingtheunitatahighlevel,besuretoxtheunitlegs.
Where it is at least 3 m away from the antenna of TV set or radio. (Otherwise,
images would be disturbed or noise would be generated.)
Please install it in an area not affected by snowfall or blowing snow. In areas
Install the unit horizontally.
Avoid the following places for installation where air conditioner trouble is li-
able to occur.
Where there is too much machine oil.
Salty environment as seaside areas.
Hot-spring areas.
Where sulde gas exists.
Other special atmospheric areas.
The outdoor unit produces condensate during the heating operation. Se-
lect the installation place to ensure to prevent the outdoor unit and/or the
grounds from being wet by drain water or damaged by frozen drain water.
2. Selecting the installation location
5. Refrigerant piping work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6. Electrical work
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7. Maintenance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7