Lightolier 8171WH Indoor Furnishings User Manual

Track Lighting System 8171WH
Page 2 of 2 Tron 16 Magnetic
Lightolier a Genlyte Thomas Company
631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 • (508) 679-8131 • Fax (508) 674-4710
We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finish.
© 2002 Genlyte Thomas Group LLC (Lightolier Division) • A0902
Job Information Type:
3,600 3,000
20W MR16 NSP
(T-H) (ESX) 13°
6' 100 1.4' 1.4'
8' 56 1.8' 1.8'
10' 36 2.3' 2.3'
12' 25 2.7' 2.7'
5' 2.9' 84 1.5' 1.3'
7' 4.0' 48 2.1' 1.8'
9' 5.2' 29 2.7' 2.4'
11' 6.4' 19 3.4' 2.9'
3' 3.0' 141 1.4' 1.0'
5' 5.0' 51 2.3' 1.6'
7' 7.0' 26 3.2' 2.3'
9' 9.0' 16 4.2' 2.9'
2' 3.5' 113 1.9' 0.9'
3' 5.2' 50 2.8' 1.4'
4' 6.9' 28 3.8' 1.8'
5' 8.7' 18 4.7' 2.3'
7' 167 0.9' 0.9'
10' 62 1.2' 1.2'
13' 49 1.6' 1.6'
16' 32 2.0' 2.0'
6' 3.5' 148 1.0' 0.8'
8' 5.2' 66 1.5' 1.3'
12' 6.9' 37 2.0' 1.7'
15' 8.7' 24 2.4' 2.1'
4' 4.0' 181 1.0' 0.7'
6' 6.0' 61 1.5' 1.0'
8' 8.0' 45 2.0' 1.4'
10' 10.0' 29 2.5' 1.7'
2' 3.5' 256 1.0' 0.5'
3' 5.2' 114 1.5' 0.7'
4' 6.9' 64 2.0' 1.0'
5' 8.7' 41 2.5' 1.2'
8,200 3,000
(T-H) (EZX) 7°
2' 131 1.5' 1.5'
3' 58 2.2' 2.2'
4' 33 2.9' 2.9'
5' 21 3.6' 3.6'
2' 1.2' 85 2.0' 1.7'
3' 1.7' 38 3.0' 2.5'
4' 2.3' 21 4.1' 3.4'
5' 2.9' 14 5.1' 4.2'
2' 2.0' 46 3.4' 2.1'
3' 3.0' 21 5.0' 3.1'
4' 4.0' 12 6.7' 4.1'
5' 5.0' 7 8.4' 5.1'
1' 1.7' 66 4.8' 1.5'
2' 3.5' 16 9.7' 2.9'
3' 5.2' 7 14.5' 4.4'
4' 6.8' 4 19.3' 5.8'
525 4,000
20W MR16 FL
(T-H) (BAB) 40°
Beam Spread Beam Center Rated
50% Max. CP C.P. Candelas Life-Hrs
3,900 4,000
35W MR16 SP
(T-H) (FRA) 20°
6' 1 08 2.1' 2.1'
8' 61 2.8' 2.8'
10' 39 3.5' 3.5'
12' 27 4.2' 4.2'
5' 2.9' 101 2.4' 2.0'
7' 4.0' 52 3.3' 2.9'
9' 5.2' 31 4.3' 3.7'
11' 6.4' 21 5.2' 4.5'
3' 3.0' 153 2.2' 1.5'
5' 5.0' 55 3.6' 2.5'
7' 7.0' 28 5.1' 3.5'
9' 9.0' 17 6.6' 4.5'
2' 3.5' 122 3.1' 1.4'
3' 5.2' 54 4.7' 2.1'
4' 6.9' 30 6.2' 2.8'
5' 8.7' 20 7.8' 3.5'
7' 178 1.5' 1.5'
10' 87 2.1' 2.1'
13' 51 2.7' 2.7'
16' 34 3.4' 3.4'
6' 3.5' 157 1.7' 1.5'
9' 5.2' 70 2.5' 2.2'
12' 6.9' 39 3.4' 2.9'
15' 8.7' 25 4.2' 3.6'
4' 4.0' 192 1.7' 1.2'
6' 6.0' 65 2.6' 1.8'
8' 8.0' 48 3.4' 2.4'
10' 10.0' 31 4.3' 3.0'
2' 3.5' 272 1.7' 0.8'
3' 5.2' 121 2.6' 1.3'
4' 6.9' 68 3.5' 1.7'
5' 8.7' 44 4.3' 2.1'
6,700 4,000
35W MR16 NSP
(T-H) (FRB) 12°
8' 205 1.3' 1.3'
12' 91 1.9' 1.9'
16' 51 2.5' 2.5'
20' 33 3.1' 3.1'
7' 4.0' 174 1.5' 1.3'
10' 5.8' 85 2.1' 1.8'
13' 7.5' 50 2.7' 2.4'
16' 9.2' 33 3.4' 2.9'
5' 5.0' 165 1.6' 1.1'
7' 7.0' 95 2.2' 1.6'
9' 9.0' 57 2.9' 2.0'
11' 11.0' 38 3.5' 2.4'
3' 5.2 182 1.9' 0.9'
4' 6.9' 102 2.6' 1.3'
5' 8.7' 66 3.2' 1.6'
6' 10.4' 45 3.8' 1.9'
13,100 3,500
(T-H) (EZY) 9°
1,650 4,000
50W MR16 FL
(T-H) (EXN) 40°
4' 118 2.9' 2.9'
6' 51 4.4' 4.4'
8' 29 5.8' 5.8'
10' 19 7.3' 7.3'
3' 1.7' 134 3.0' 2.5'
5' 2.9' 48 5.1' 4.2'
7' 4.0' 25 7.1' 5.9'
9' 5.7' 15 9.1' 7.6'
3' 3.0' 73 5.0' 3.1'
4' 4.0' 41 6.7' 4.1'
5' 5.0' 26 8.4' 5.1'
6' 6.0' 18 10.1' 6.2'
1' 1.7' 231 4.8' 1.5'
2' 3.5' 58 9.7' 2.9'
3' 5.2' 26 14.5' 4.4'
4' 6.9' 14 19.3' 5.8'
6' 94 2.8' 2.9'
8' 53 3.8' 3.8'
10' 34 4.8' 4.8'
12' 24 5.8' 5.8'
5' 2.9' 88 3.3' 2.8'
7' 4.0' 45 4.6' 3.9'
9' 5.2' 27 5.9' 5.0'
11' 6.4' 18 7.2' 6.1'
3' 3.0' 134 3.1' 2.0'
5' 5.0' 48 5.1' 3.4'
7' 7.0' 25 7.1' 4.8'
9' 9.0' 15 9.2' 6.1'
2' 3.5' 106 4.6' 1.9'
3' 5.2' 47 7.0' 2.9'
4' 6.9' 27 9.3' 3.6'
5' 8.7' 17 11.6' 4.6'
3,400 4,000
50W MR16 NFL
(T-H) EXZ) 27°
3' 128 3.1' 3.1'
5' 46 5.2' 5.2'
7' 23 7.3' 7.3'
9' 14 8.4' 9.4'
3' 1.7' 83 4.6' 3.6'
5' 2.9' 30 7.6' 6.0'
7' 4.0' 15 10.7' 8.4'
9' 5.2' 9 13.7' 10.8'
2' 2.0' 102 5.7' 2.9'
3' 3.0' 45 8.6' 4.4'
4' 4.0' 25 11.4' 5.9'
5' 5.0' 16 14.3' 7.4'
1' 1.7' 144 22.3' 2.1'
2' 3.5' 36 44.5' 4.2'
3' 5.2' 16 66.8' 6.2'
4' 6.9' 9 69.1' 8.3'
1,150 4,000
50W MR16 WFL
(T-H) (FNV) 55°
4,900 4,000
75W MR16 NFL
(T-H) (EYJ) 25°
6' 136 2.7' 2.7'
8' 77 3.5' 3.5'
10' 49 4.4' 4.4'
12' 34 5.3' 5.3'
5' 2.9' 127 3.0' 2.6'
7' 4.0' 65 4.2' 3.6'
9' 5.2' 39 5.4' 4.6'
11' 6.4' 26 6.6' 5.6'
3' 3.0' 192 2.8' 1.9'
5' 5.0' 69 4.7' 3.1'
7' 7.0' 35 6.5' 4.4'
9' 9.0' 21 8.4' 5.6'
2' 3.5' 153 4.2' 1.8'
3' 5.2' 68 6.2' 2.7'
4' 6.9' 38 6.3' 3.5'
5' 8.7' 25 10.4' 4.4'
8' 188 2.0' 2.0'
12' 83 2.9' 2.9'
16' 47 3.9' 3.9'
20' 30 4.9' 4.8'
7' 4.0' 159 2.3' 2.0'
10' 5.8' 78 3.3' 2.8'
13' 7.5' 46 4.3' 3.7'
16' 6.2' 30 5.3' 4.5'
5' 5.0' 170 2.5' 1.7'
7' 7.0' 87 3.5' 2.4'
9' 9.0' 52 4.5' 3.1'
11' 11.0' 35 5.5' 3.8'
3' 5.2' 167 3.1' 1.5'
4' 6.9' 84 4.1' 2.0'
5' 8.7' 60 5.1' 2.5'
6' 10.4' 47 6.2' 2.9'
12,000 4,000
75W MR16 NSP
(T-H) (EYF) 14°
4' 131 3.1' 3.1'
6' 58 4.6' 4.6'
8' 33 6.1' 6.1'
10' 21 7.7' 7.7'
3' 1.7' 152 3.2' 2.7'
5' 2.9' 55 5.4' 4.4'
7' 4.0' 26 7.5' 6.2'
9' 5.2' 17 9.7' 8.0'
3' 3.0' 83 5.4' 3.3'
4' 4.0' 46 7.2' 4.3'
5' 5.0' 30 8.0' 5.4'
6' 6.0' 21 10.8' 6.5'
1' 1.7' 263 5.5' 1.5'
2' 3.5' 66 11.0' 3.1'
3' 5.2' 29 16.5' 4.6'
4' 6.9' 10 22.0' 6.1'
2,100 4,000
75W MR16 FL
(T-H) (EYC) 42°
Lighting Data
Aiming Angle 0˚ 30˚, 45˚ or 60˚ Horizontal 30˚, 45˚ or 60˚ Vertical
L Beam Length
W Beam Width
C Distance to center beam
D Distance
A Aiming Angle
FC Footcandles
L and W are the outer points where the candle
power drops to 50% of the maximum. FC are the
initial footcandles at the center of the beam.