1. Cut and frame the holes in the ceiling, floor and roof where the chimney will pass (see figure 22).
Use a plumb bob to line up the center of the holes. The sizes are indicated in table 1 for the floor
and ceiling holes and table 2 (page 24) for the roof holes.
AC 15 in.
Table 1
Figure 22
2. From below, install a firestop in each ceiling/floor separation through which the chimney will
pass. At the attic level, install an attic radiation shield from above (figure 23).
3. Place the first chimney length on the fireplace. To lock it in place, turn ΒΌ of a turn clockwise.
Continue installing chimney lengths making sure to lock each length in place.
4. Every time the chimney passes through a ceiling or a wall, install the appropriate firestop. When
you reach the desired height, install the roof support. (Refer to instructions included with the
5. Then, put the roof flashing in place and seal the joint between the roof and the flashing with
roofing pitch (see figures 25 & 26). For sloping roofs, place the flashing under the upper shingles
and on top of the lower shingles. Nail the flashing to the roof, using roofing nails.
6. Place the spacers and the storm collar over the flashing, and tighten it with the bolt supplied.
Finally, seal the joint between the storm collar and the chimney, using silicone caulking.
7. Install the chimney cap.
Figure 23